Ah, so they signed onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact!
There’s a CGP Grey video on how it generally works for those with short attention space and/or a need for dry government humor:
On Wednesday, Maine’s legislature passed a bill joining a compact to commit all of their electoral votes, regardless of who won in their individual state, to whichever candidate won the national popular vote.
This brings the total electoral votes joining the compact to 209. Michigan will join soon, bringing it to 225.
270 electoral votes needed for the change to take effect. We’re getting there.
I didn’t think “getting there” is going to happen in our lifetime. We’re just going to hit a ceiling where “obviously blue” states join, and the rest don’t, which will hit before 270.
There could be some purple states where the stars align and this passes, but yeah, at least a generation, probably more
Even once they “get there” the battle really starts. Interstate compacts must be approved by congress, which this never has been.
I don’t live in a swing state and I feel disenfranchised. My vote for president, for all intents and purposes, does not count in the current electoral college system.
I can’t wait for the compact to go into effect. Turnout in so many states would increase a lot.
However, my optimism is tampered by this supreme court.
If anything, living in a swing state makes it count more
I swear the word “don’t” was added in later
Not a great solution. We need ranked voting. Not perfect, but significantly better than the 2 party shitshow we’re currently saddled with.
Maine already has ranked choice voting for statewide elections. They can’t fix the national system.
If the hack to at least give the person with the most votes the Presidency wins, then maybe we can work for ranked choice for Presidential elections.
Fantastic, the electoral college is closer to retirement!
Yup, sadly it’ll never gain enough momentum where it needs to. It’s like the ERA all over again
So, how is this more democratic AND Nebraska doing away with EVs by congressional district less democratic? Is making the winner based on less granular vote or more what we want?
The goal should be making the national popular election the deciding factor in a presidential race, Maine is moving us closer to that goal, Nebraska is not.
The national popular vote is like being the team that had the most points in a 7 game series instead of the one that won the most games.
Because Trump bullied them into doing that (or tried to)
We don’t care about consistency if it means the turd sandwich wins over the giant douche.
I thought I heard the Supreme Court struck this down already somewhere maybe it was a state Supreme Court
Must have been, I don’t think a case has made it to SCOTUS about this
deleted by creator
All well and good right up until it works against you… Everyone points to Gore and Clinton, but imagine what happens the first time a Democrat loses under this system, there will be riots.
If a democrat loses under this system they will have lost fairly.
Yes, and that won’t stop the rioting.
Why do you think that is true? The only violence from people unhappy with a presidential election that I can think of is the MAGA insurrection in 2021.
This just fucks over the people of Maine. Call me when first past the post is eliminated or Citizens United is repealed. Until then the US is a pseudodemocracy.
It doesn’t fuck over the people of Maine. The pact only goes into effect once a controlling majority of electoral votes are pledged to the plan. Once that happens, the electoral college is functionally eliminated, and the President will only ever be the winner of the popular vote.