My brother is an audiologist and hates doing a certain hearing test, because it’s boring. The way he describes it, he hands the patient a button and a pair of headphones, then goes into the next room.
He has a row of dials. He turns the first one until the patient pushes the button. He writes down how high the dial got, then turns it off and moves on to the next dial. Repeat for like 20 dials.
Then at the end, he has to draw a graph BY HAND, highlighting certain features.
There is precisely 0% chance that this requires a trained audiologist to do. Maybe to interpret, but not to collect data.
For a Mint replacement (which I’m still angry about), might I suggest Simplifi by Quicken? For me it’s mostly been a one-to-one replacement, after getting over a few… eccentricities. I could never get into YNAB because it’s so manual. I want something automatic, and Simplifi scratches that itch.
The catch: it’s not free.