dang, maybe something related with electricity and this crazy magnets we have?
dang, maybe something related with electricity and this crazy magnets we have?
Yeah, I don’t think it was consensual
On the other hand, this problem is global. We all need to work together in order to succeed. That’s the hardest part.
Imagine if we were doing this to our own species.
It’s not enough. We (rich and not so rich) must either consume less, or be less people.
The first route involves changing technologies AND habits. And I’m not talking about recyclable bags or save water at home.
Musk is everything but a communist
At this point, I’m too afraid to ask…
Yeah, same. But I guess there are unrealistic expectations of “friends” from childhood and tv shows
Bold of you to think that I do
They just appear, idk, I don’t do anything, just respond to conservation normally
want an answer?
What has he got?!
If not himseeeeelf, then he has naught.
To say the thiiiiiiiiings, he truly feeeeeels
Well, now I will start changing this setting every time
And most adult trans people wish they transitioned before puberty. Puberty mess sh*t up 😅
I mean, yeah. Small electric cars, more trains, more public transport.
pump up the nitrogen!