Telegram is just actually superior in terms of features I don’t get it.
I think you mean Signal.
Currently using signal but have been intrigued by some of the no phone number alternatives like SimpleX
Nope! Telegram because you know what they say in cryptography circles: always roll your own! Oh wait…
I mean telegram
Makes a post about messaging superiority by advocating for inferior app. Lol. Gotta read the room better buddy.
In regards to Whatsapp. If I were talking about signal vs telegram then this comment would be relevant but I’m not am i
Bring that back over to reddit.
Brotha it wasn’t a joke
It was a joke, but you appear not to have gotten it. Hence the wooosh sound.
I don’t understand the love for Telegram.
In the short period of using it I had so much BS come through by scammers/spammers - both as DMs and group messages. I’ve rarely had that with WhatsApp.
In my eyes WhatsApp is far better than Telegram. And Signal is far greater than WhatsApp. The only thing I wish Signal had was inbuilt GIFs; it’s not that much of an issue on mobile but it’s a pain on desktop.
I’ve had way more scam calls, groups and texts on whatsapp than on Telegram.
So I definitely don’t understand why anyone would like whatsapp.
With Telegram you can easily limit any communication requests to only come from your list of contacts while that is impossible with WA. The only way you can get out of getting scam calls is by turning on “mute unknown calls” and “limit groups to contacts” but the calls will still pop up and you will still get chat requests so you will have to block and delete each one of them manually.
Instead of just limiting all communication to your contacts like on telegram.
I believe the same settings are also in WhatsApp.
No in whatsapp you can’t limit requests to only your contacts. It’s only with groups. I’ve checked and googled.
Isn’t it the same in Telegram? Interestingly, in Telegram it looks like everyone can send you a voice message unless you pay Telegram money to unlock the ability to restrict it.
In telegram you can restrict people from calling you completely. WA doesn’t have that function.
And yes it sucks that VMs on telegram is behind a paywall but at least the restriction exists unlike WA.
Interestingly they don’t appear to advertise it at all as a perk on the premium purchasing page.
How? I’ve been a heavy telegram user for more than 8 years now. Not a single time I have unwillingly been added to a group I had no interest in or been messaged with any scam message.
I know of privacy settings that limit these, but I have none of them turned on, because I have some people that might add me to important groups.
That’s interesting I never had that experience with telegram. It’s been cust as “clean” as Whatsapp for me
why did you enable DMs from random accounts?
Easily turned off.
I didn’t enable anything. One would assume the default settings should offer a good level of protection to the users.
Interestingly I haven’t had a single spammer/scammer annoy me on Signal. I’m not sure if there are any of these settings in Signal?
If most people used Telegram, Meta would have bought it instead of WhatsApp.
Why do people choose Telegram over Signal? Signal encrypts everything by default, unlike Telegram which only “encrypts” messages in a (iirc) secure or secret chat. Fortunately, EU is forcing all major gatekeepers’ messaging apps to be able to communicate with other messaging apps. I, finally, will be able to break free from WhatsApp and use Signal. Uninstalling WhatsApp and requesting for a deletion of my account; a dream come true soon.
9 People don’t care about encryption but care about custom stickers, convinient search, everything fancy that’s not privacy
Telegram is owned by Russians and the server is proprietary closed-source. I prefer Signal.
Yeah, I’m with you. Plus no end to end encryption. Go ahead and let Russia see all your messages.
deleted by creator
Most people don’t care about privacy anyways so in this case I’d argue features are more important for the average user, which telegram has.
Well if that’s your angle, then the main reason for choosing WhatsApp over telegram is the first-mover advantage. WhatsApp came out years before telegram and is a very popular app in many markets.
I’d argue that not many people care about sending 2gb files either. In my experience, more people care about privacy when prompted than about sending 2gb files.
Fair enough
I use email with GnuPG. Everything else is woefully insecure. BTW, I have no friends.
Telegram is worse than WhatsApp in terms of security. It doesn’t even use audited encryption by default.
As many have pointed out, it isn’t really our choice, since we have to get along and use what most people around us use.
The only solution I see is if the government mandates every messenger to use a common protocol allowing all to co-operate.The EU is actually doing this
Basically what you want:
Though only for people in the EU. Proud to be one of them. I can now ditch WhatsApp and use Signal. Next month, gatekeepers with instant messaging apps will be forced to comply and find a solution to this till March 2024.
A step in the right direction.
I know a handful of people on WhatsApp, a handful more on Signal, and a single person on Telegram who is a bit strange and thinks the world is a simulation (he’s a hoot). So, basically I don’t use Telegram at all because the only person I know on there isn’t someone I’d want to communicate with anyway.
The perceived usefulness of a network, platform, or communication protocol increases with its relative adoption. That’s known as “network effect”, and network effect is at strongest for anything regarding direct communication - such as messaging platforms.
In other words: WhatsApp is used by lots of people, and this discourages people to migrate over better alternatives, like Signal (my choice) or Telegram (OP’s).
Because it what the people, I need to contact with, use.
Half of the people I regularly talk to are on WhatsApp. I don’t like it but that’s reality, it’s hard to get them to migrate because this means that people THEY talk to would have to do the same. Also a good chunk of them use rakuten Viber. Now why do they use THAT? It’s bloated, ad-ridden, and buggy. Almost nobody I know is on telegram. In fact most are still using Facebook messenger.
Simply because everyone is using WhatsApp. And people want to use something that will let them be able to reach almost all their contacts.
Yet I do prefer & use Threema.
People don’t care what’s superior, they care about if their friends are already on the app. And whatsapp built up that critical mass first, so it’s the default.
I use them all, but whatsapp prevails all, because Whatsapp was there first.
What’s more important is that we know whatsapp is not the only device, and can be easily replaced.