I’d be completely cool if the they slowed down a bit and do two year release cycles.
I’d be completely cool if the they slowed down a bit and do two year release cycles.
Such good news. I hope someone can answer this either theoretically or practically as I’m not as knowledgeable in this.
One of the things I love about the steam deck is the ability to just turn it off and back on a few days later and the game is exactly where I left off. If steamOS is on a PC or another handheld deck. Would it still be possible to still have this feature? I guess my question is whether this is a software or hardware feature.
It does goes to show hardware isn’t everything. In fact it’s a pretty small factor for most if the games are fun.
OF out there making up for the gender pay gap
Nothing beats that feeling of finishing that final exam and walking out of the school. To only get slapped with a fat D a couple weeks later
Completely forgot Threads was even a thing.
Mine is an extension of my body. I can’t not have it with me going out. But I get thirsty a lot. Took me a while to fine one that works for me size and function wise.
And I think a lot of people don’t realise they’re interesting. We’re just not interesting to everyone we meet and that’s ok.
I reckon they wanted to put the work out there first before then saying who the new talent is. If. You announce the talent then present the work people will pick at it to death. Now we play the game first and it’s great. The voice is different and that’s cool too.
It still might be my favourite device of all time. There was something magical about that era and a good ol iPod classic. Maybe I was at an age where music was a huge part of my life and now less so. Maybe it was because everyone carried around an iPod, and scrolling through each other’s meant getting to know each other. There’s something amazing about it that having access to everything now ended up killing that feeling. Or I just got older.
One that hasn’t been mentioned is I don’t care about cookies. Or something to that name. With it on your never see cookie setting notifications. I’m not super sure if it rejects them all or accepts them all. But it’s nice to not worry about it
Not the family. But Principal Skinner not showing Chalmers his Aurora borealis that’s situated right in his kitchen is pretty dog.
The world wasn’t ready for vista
Same day launch as Spider-Man 2. This year is just littered with amazing games. Excited to try this one as I never could get into 3d Mario games.
I thought they knew it was tradition that every second windows is dogshit.
And if you decide not to use ms Authenticator every time you log in with a third party one it’ll recommend you to get it every time. Don’t sell me shit when I’m trying to securely log in.
So you don’t type 90 wpm your way into the mainframe for work? You might need chew some more gum and change your laptop theme to black and green.
I partly think m1 is just so good no one has any appetite to upgrade. But also shit do be expensive. For me it’s repairability. I’m seriously considering not getting another Mac at my next upgrade cycle unless something changes soon.
Gotta keep it 55th St