With the 22nd anniversary of the iPod having occurred on October 23rd, which was your first iPod?
Here’s a picture of mine. I have it, along with several other previous models.
That can’t be correct? That would make me way older than I thought I am. Damn and I was not even young then
WHEREAS we are not old, and
WHEREAS we are clearly cool,
BE IT RESOLVED that the iPod is only six years old.
All in favour?
here I was minding my own business pretending that the ever-approaching decrepitude couldnt touch me if I didnt think about it directly and then POP goes that bubble
I had that same model, but the U2 edition. I had no idea who U2 was at the time, but I loved the black and red color scheme.
It had a whole 20GB which I never managed to come close to filling! I wasn’t cool enough to sail the high seas at that age.
It still might be my favourite device of all time. There was something magical about that era and a good ol iPod classic. Maybe I was at an age where music was a huge part of my life and now less so. Maybe it was because everyone carried around an iPod, and scrolling through each other’s meant getting to know each other. There’s something amazing about it that having access to everything now ended up killing that feeling. Or I just got older.
Yea I’m with you. While it may indeed be nostalgia talking, I think it really did hit a spot about as well as any product can. People resonated with the design and UI, and you could put all the music you needed on just one pocket sized device. Maybe the first nicely functioning laptops were similar, and maybe the first home TVs and Vinyl players too, I don’t know. But it more or less solved portable music playing, where even now we haven’t really moved away from it with streaming etc as far as the essential product idea goes.
My first one was the iPod mini. It was short lived I think. The nano came out soon after and was so popular. It was my first ever apple product
My first, was actually my first Apple product, it was I believe the 4th gen (the first one with the click wheel and without the row of buttons on the top). I still have and use two of the last gen (8th? 9th?) before they all became touch.
I have two iPod nano 7th gens. Use one for when mowing the lawn. The other is a backup (because you know, one day, oops…). I wish they were larger than 16GB, but beyond that I’m happy with them.
10 years ago, I got my first iPod, a 7th Gen Nano with 16GB of storage. It was my main music player through 2019, where MacOS Catalina gimped the functionality of it and Thanos snapped my library. I still regularly used it until 2021 where I got a real smartphone that can play music stored on its microSD card.