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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • About average. I have a master’s in maths, and am pretty competent at tech stuff. Also do a lot of music. Those are just interests though, really. It’s easy to get caught up on the idea that being good at the skills society deems as “valuable” or “smart” means you’re in some way objectively smarter than other people. I’ve just found that isn’t remotely the case though. People have different interests, I’ve heard “dumb” people passionately talk about things they love, going into complex inner-workings that I would have to also spend hundreds of hours trying to wrap my head around. Also, a lot of the “smartest” people I know are utterly clueless at anything social. Sure they may end up as maths researchers but they can’t pick up on nuances of social interaction.

    Some people would argue that the metric for smartness is a little more set in stone, usually the same people who think that IQ is anything more than an ego-trip to justify MENSA charging people money for a shitty magazine and “proof” that they’re smart. It’s never felt that simple to me though, there are so mant facets of life to be understood and everyone has different understandings of them

  • I’ve got to go with Endeavour. I’m not sure it’s so much that it’s overrated, but more that the community talks about it as a replacement for Manjaro which is far from the case. The installation may be easier than arch but once it’s all up and running you’re going to need to be comfortable in the terminal to sort things out. The documentation for endeavour is incredibly lacking too. It’s an unnecessary middle step between a “beginner” distro and arch. If you can’t follow the arch installation guide on the wiki then you’re going to have even more trouble when it comes to endeavour

  • Been using PeerTube on and off for about a year now, been planning on starting a maths education channel on Trom. It’s definitely got potential, but I don’t see the average Youtube user migrating over to it any time soon. The main issue really is that children/young teens are a large portion of the target audience for a lot of big creators these days and the mobile apps for peertube are heavily lacking still. Not helped of course by the fact that one of the better android apps, NewPipe, which allows both YouTube and PeerTube in one place is not on the Play Store