He-man. I still don’t get the hate it received.
He-man. I still don’t get the hate it received.
Hey I liked invisible war :/
I just use the heroic/legendary alternative launcher for any single player games I actually want to play from egs. It’s open source and gives epic less footprint on my machine.
Unfortunately if you want to do anything multiplayer then you need the real client.
I work for a company based in the uk, and I get off around thanksgiving until the start of the year. I horde my pto though.
And then you have zero/azure and cold steel which DO have voice acting…
What makes the series a marathon is after every minor event, every character everywhere has new text to read… which can get exhausting if you’re ocd. Plus there are missable quests and items that can trigger fomo.
But still love the world building and there were times that certain reveals elicited audible gasps and I even squealed like a little girl when one of my favorite playable characters from sky returned in the later games.
Knowing the series is officially ending is disappointing but understandable. There just hasn’t been any other rpg that has retained the same cast, setting, and well… world as any other that I can recall. And that’s a shame.
Same. My only gripe is that the ui doesn’t scale at all which makes it hard to use on 4K.
Winamp has announced that on 24 September 2024, the application’s source code will be open to developers worldwide.
The date is given on the page, which hasn’t lapsed yet.
It’s so they can print the tracking dots.
I gave up on memmy months ago because it was randomly crashing. The release schedule even back then was once a month at best.
I switched to the voyager “native” app (not the pwa) and it has been absolutely flawless with lots of updates.
exclude the languages you don’t speak from your settings
Thanks for the tip. This option is not surfaced in voyager, so I had no idea of its existence.
There is a warning that deselecting “unspecified” will remove most posts, so it remains to be seen how much this will help.
I am more interested in cleaning up All than the user brigade at this point.
I turned off nsfw due to all the porn and yiff, and I really would like to filter out instances that are in a language I don’t speak.
Specifically, Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge.
A bit touristy though if that is what OP is going for… but also no real need to go in town either and can just enjoy the park on its own.
Renting a chalet for a weekend also makes for a good time, too.
I have been price matching what I can with brick and mortar stores, against the online ones.
TBH I have started to trust shipping less and less for expensive electronics and would rather do a pick up when able anyway. No damaged goods or porch pirates that way.
Reward points if using a credit card to purchase.
Also, some stores in the states at least, like Kroger, give their own points for fuel.
Conan is so episodic that there is barely an arc to even follow. I don’t think you missed out on much backstory.
Sign was super hyped during release, boasting a tie in with a game series iirc.
I was really expecting something special but holy shit did it it go absolutely no where.
As a result I never watched (or played) anything else in the hack series.
The guy really exudes “don’t you know who I am?” energy. Which is a shame since it detracts from the discussion.
I expect some sods grandma (or even my own) to watch the ad on my behalf.
lol if i filtered out trump/musk posts and block the furry instances there would be nothing left!