I don’t hate the Europeans for having fair working conditions. I hate the rich assholes that make my home country such a shitty place to live and work in.
It’s time to emulate the french and set the place on fire if they don’t start treating us fair.
Or you can start with unions…
We need Syndicates and Worker/Consumer cooperatives as an end goal. Unions aren’t the finish line and are only a bandaid over capital ownership.
Markets aren’t the finish line either, to be fair. Those retain the mechanisms that bring about inequality.
Or fires…
The protests and strikes they keep quashing are the alternative to fires, destruction, and violence. It’s a social agreement the factory and warehouse owners want us to have forgotten.
That means not enough fires
why not both?
Only for them to be destroyed in another 20 years by the rich
Nah. Break out the guillotines, it worked well for the French.
30 days paid vacation + bank holidays + regional holidays + 0.5 days of vacation each on Christmas and new years eve + generally not having to work on weekends + generally not having to work longer than 8 hours a day + public transport ticket paid by the company.
Cannot complain.
I have: 14 fixed holidays. 31 vacation days. 35 hours workweek. Summertime hours reduction (from 35 to 32 hours).
Fight for it, and force your countries and employers to apply those conditions, because I assure you, they are good.
I’m an American working in the u.s. for a company based in Germany. They have soooo many more days off than us. They’re out at least 3 months of the year before taking additional PTO. They like to bring their European values of work to the u s. But unfortunately that doesn’t mean that I get any more off time. I save all year from January to December and if I never took any of it my PTO amounts to 3 weeks. If you’re an American they have different standards for you because american work culture means getting fucked and hating your life lol.
That being said I still feel like the days I get are generous and I am happy and grateful. But that’s only because I used to get nothing at my old job. It’s only crappy if I compare to others which is the thief of joy and whatnot.
I work for a company based in the uk, and I get off around thanksgiving until the start of the year. I horde my pto though.
Your first sentence sounds like the Zeiss add on youtube that has been after me several times a day for months now
My wife got her first pay check last week at her new job in a US school district. I was certain something was wrong when it came in, but the pay stub did nothing to show the breakdown of hours, rate, etc. She finally got a response today - and I’ve learned that school breaks are NOT PTO. She gets zero PTO she can take during the school year, and while frustrating not to be able to choose when you take your time off, I assumed that was just because she gets the summer off. But apparently she gets no PTO AND takes 71 days out of the year off without pay, effectively. So they do you the favor of paying you over 12 months, but you still only get paid for hours worked. The rate of pay seemed like it would be a pay raise on the surface, but I never anticipated needing to dock it by 20%.
Zero PTO. Just the perks of American life.
my wife is an educator, and she teaches summer classes to cover the gap.
I get 5 weeks.
In the US.
Thanks to a union.
And I get paid the hours on top of regular pay at the end of the year if I don’t use the vacation. Nobody gives you a second thought if you use your vacation. Zero pressure not to fuck off for a week or more.
Go Union.
American. I’m one of the lucky few who have unlimited PTO. I’m seriously underpaid though.
So how many days do you take a year? As the other comments also touch upon, it becomes an outperform thing with co- workers, to take the least amount to “perform better”. Also how easy and often do managers then deny requests?
With a fixed set it has an actual value, at the company they can’t deny PTO’s as they are yours. Of course planning comes into play a little bit, but if you let the company know that 2 months from now you take 4 weeks off for a good long summer holiday, that is what you will be doing then in those 2 months.
ps. I have 25 personal paid days, a bunch of public holidays. Doctor’s appointments are on the ‘please try to schedule them outside working hours if possible, otherwise, well, that’s life, you need to visit that doctor’. Full travel reimbursement (fixed amount per month, can spend however i want), A lot of secondary items in my contract as well dealing with having to take care of partner / children if they become sick (is paid time off), etc etc.
I do not take as much as I should. 5 weeks last year? For doctor’s appointments and stuff like that though, no one cares. You just let your boss and your team know. I am on salary, not contract.
Self-employed, and not very well. I don’t get any paid days off, unfortunately.
35 days hols per year, would be 27 or something but they give us the English bank holidays as part of our allocation (am Scottish but it’s UK company).
28 days + 8 Bank Holidays. Easter is great, you can have 16 days not at work, and only use 8 days holiday. (Good Friday and Easter Monday are Bank holidays, and I don’t work weekends)
I’m an American that had that, then we got bought by a German company that took it away. Shit’s fucked.
Wtf that goes against reason
No, why? That’s capitalism for you. It’s still a US company/subsidiary, just with a German owner.
I only got 7 a year and I live in Europe…
That’s 7 more than most Americans get
No but jokes aside where are you from so I don’t move there
The average American has 11 vacation days a year.
I have unlimited plus my birthday off, once a quarter we all take off, a week for 4th of July, two weeks for Christmas and new years plus twenty holidays.
This is pretty standard for any job I’ve had.
Unlimited ?
Pretty standard now days. The only limit is I have to get my work done and it can’t be more than 4 weeks at a time. Oddly it can’t be used if you’re sick. You have to use sick time for being sick. That’s only 12 weeks but that’s when disability would kick in.
Wait, so you get “unlimited” paid vacation days? That sounds like complete corporate bullshit to me… Who decideds when/if “work is done” or not? Even if your work isn’t done (there is always more to do), you still deserve vacation/days off.
How many paid vacation days do people take on average a year? How many did you take this year/last year? What happens if your company decides that you have taken too many vacation days this year, will they mention it you want to discuss wages? What happens if someone doesn’t take a minimum number of vacation days a year, will they be forced to take them or will they get praise for being a “hard worker”?
I decide.
On average? 4-8 weeks.
If you had read my comment, you’d see we are forced to take a eeek in July, two weeks for the end of the year and 20 holidays.
I take very little time off. I feel like I’m already off most the time.
I decide.
Oh please, then you could just “decide” to take every other month off and nobody would care, you would get paid the same,etc , you can’t tell me that’s the case…
If you had read my comment, you’d see we are forced to take a eeek in July, two weeks for the end of the year
Right, so 3 weeks vacation and you can’t even decide when to take them. Sounds like a pretty shitty deal to me…
I take very little time off.
It seems that way, yes, so what good does “unlimited vacation” do?
I feel like I’m already off most the time.
Are you a hiring agent or something? What’s next, are you going to tell me that your company is like “a family”?