Please, I can only get so turned on…
If you’re familiar with his roles in ER and X-Files, he must give off strong as hell “literally rip my flesh apart” vibes, to casting directors.
Shit, dude. My iron was at 2 after my last blood test. They keep pumping me full of star stuff–pow, straight in the veins–and I just keep burning through it. Why, stars, why! Why does thou forsake me! I am very tired, stars.
Is this Welsh?
Now, with Listeria! ™️ –for that sparkling fresh digestive tract!–
“[Thing] is a game changer!”
Almost always used in the context of brand-speak/commercial marketing. What’s the game, guys? Corporate propaganda? Cause no, using an app to book a handyman that pays to be advertised on your service, or buying microplastic encapsulated detergent is not a goddamn “game changer” for anyone, besides the shareholders.
Did… Did the crocodiles make that sign?
I was reminded
It’s probably a term used elsewhere too, but in the US Navy, when it’s coming from both ends, especially stationed or deployed on ship, it’s the double dragon. Ship food is bad. Ship food is rejected prison food. Moldy. Horrible. Absolute garbage. Garbage would probably be safer.
Only Honk.
“There are no genders. Only Honk.”
Make a new website, and/or make a new HonkBusters.
Alternatively: “Where we’re going, we won’t need genders to honk…”
Oh, holy hell, I just uncontrollably giggled at that for so long, my chest hurts. I sent it to my only group of friends, and it looks even better in smaller thumbnail form. Good gracious.
Rich Evans, man. Sexy, talented, honey-voiced genius.
Muppets have always sadly given me the heebs, but this is a brand new appreciation! I’d love to see this done shot-for-shot, completely serious tone, but all within the Muppets theme. Of course, John Carpenter’s awesome score stays the same, but played with like, kazoos and jazzy casual instruments.
Regardless of reality, it’s gonna happen in my imagination, cause the world’s on fire.
I wonder how many of us instantly wrote bee-versions of the lyrics?
The saxophone solo is definitely now done by bees.
Man, every house I’ve lived in had these, except now, not in the one I own. Welp, time to replace all the generic shit with slightly yellowed, swirly faceted acrylic! And at least one has to have a weird crack in it.
Also, just a fantastic show. Feels like time to do a re-watch, being reminded of it, and though I don’t have fancy speakers, I’ll have to pay extra attention to the audio.
My new therapist’s office sets a recurring bi-weekly appointment for their patients, which I find fantastic, and it’s been a great start, but it’s still relatively new and we’re getting familiarized enough to work out a specific treatment plan, so every two weeks, she’ll open with a genuine: “How are you?” and it’s a toss-up in my head between: “Are you sure you wanna know? Or should we get shit done…”
Flirtinis, all around!
For reals, though - having painted several rooms–literally in the current process of painting another–you can use whatever “time saving”
fucking scamstools are out there, but Frog Tape, friends! Tape, like you’re sealing a space station, and a little extra. Or just pay a professional to do it all properly, because it’s frankly a bitch, depending on your walls and layout.