Count me in. I believe they shared their work out of passion and why not us end-user/power-user give back if these donations combined this can be beneficial to the developer’s lives. Or contribute to the project itself.
Count me in. I believe they shared their work out of passion and why not us end-user/power-user give back if these donations combined this can be beneficial to the developer’s lives. Or contribute to the project itself.
And do not let any youngsters fail in art school or in any.
And live on a world where you can defy physics mods “bullet time”
Used the platform during tough times not for a shag. People are helpful. If you are here thank you.
Google: shut up and take my money.
Nah, forums are more organic old school is cool.
*Previously on Desperate Spacewives…
Sam has just kicked out of the airlock apartment by his wife Karen. Would his other woman save him from radiation and lack of oxygen? Tune in to this episode of Desperate Spacewives
Splendid, keep it up!
The general populace using these shouldn’t have or perhaps gone through some fundamentals and not joining the trend/hype of modifications to just to look cool (and going to complain about issues later on and rant like hell), there are few who knew what they are doing and contributing to the development community.
Looks good, distro forums will be the new XDA.
“sAr, when linux karnal 6.9 OC boLTE?”
“I installed all DEs and on my computar now not boot”
“When debian update sar?”
Its gonna be exciting to see penguins outside windows.
SkyNet OS v1.2
Just disable JS if you are going to read texts.
Cruising in an old chrysler with Frank Sinatra on speakers. Fly me to the moon.
You dont have to pay for radio receivers just ads for listeners.
I’ve seen this software behaviour back in the day, oh wait its called trojan.
Most of the disposable users I see are teens.
Box mods are sturdy and cost efficient. My variable wattage bought in '19 still kicking, however my mech mod i bought in '15 lasted 4 years (corrosion sucks)