Didn’t you know? Disabling ad blockers ensures free speech and apparently may also peacefully end the current crisis in the middle east… oh, did I mention it helps with world hunger too?
Don’t worry we only serve “ethical” ads.
It’ll also make your penis 10 inches long
Apparently it also erradicates every major disease
Itll also fix the Israel Palestine conflict.
deleted by creator
We are dedicated to safe and ethical advertising practices
Mates, that ship has long sailed
There are ethical ad services, but I’ve never seen outside of one random blog site.
Overcast iOS app comes to mind.
What gets me about them (and any other sites really) saying that is there are safer ways in showing ads and that’s just hosting them from their domain instead of selling page space to random ad buyers.
Guess that’s too much trouble and not enough profit for these corporations.
Absolutely. I have no problem displaying a few ads with my content if it results in better content. If it’s done responsibly, which it never is. Instead, it’s always an abusive relationship.
“We believe in free speech, so you should let us sell your data.”
See, if it’s hard to get my data, suddenly it becomes more valuable. These organizations try harder and harder to get to it, and really won’t stop. And really, once it’s out, it’s out.
So I’m just gonna make my data worthless. Fuckin everyone can have it what the hell do I care. I was among the first on Facebook when we had no idea what was happening. Phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, bare ass to the world. It’s all out there already, no going back in the tube.
I don’t see many ads, so who cares if they have a better idea of what to show me. I don’t spend frivolously, and don’t buy from websites I don’t trust, so what even if I do see some more relevant ads. They’re ads. I’m not paying attention anyway.
I’m not giving out answers to security questions and I’m using two factor authentication everywhere. My credit is frozen and I’ve got all the big stuff bought. I’m not really sure what I have to lose here
Data laws aren’t for you. They are for marginalized and vulnerable demographics, who are put at risk when they get doxxed.
I just don’t feel comfortable having these big companies profiting from my information. If it’s that valuable to them, then they should be paying me for it.
I think I read somewhere it was worth like .0005 cents per person. I think Netflix residuals pay better
Yeah, advertising is not “free speech.” It’s a way for corporations to steal your life from you, 60 seconds at a time
FREE* speech for everyone
Lol how insane and out of touch
If garbage had a face.
Hilarious, though this was an onion post
No it wasn’t
Don’t use your freedom of choice, it hurts our bank accounts and bonuses 😭😭 - board member.
How many lies can you fit in one sentence
If you don’t look at ads on USA Today’s website, YOU HATE AMERICA.
award winning content
sure jan.
Free speech = you must do what we say.
I decide what speech is welcome in my home.