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Does it run lineage? Any other FOSS, third party OS? No? Hard pass.
He never said he wants free speech for everyone :) TBH the shame should be on those who believed that Musk could somehow be the first right-wing extremist in history that wished the people at large had more rights and more freedoms.
Circle jerking, I guess? Same reason I use lemmy :)
The last name thing is true: outside family and close friends, that’s what people call each other by.
I have no idea what the wiener thing was originally :)
Google has many faults, but the one responsible for this one is someone else :)
The FOSS google maps alternatives I hear recommended most often are OsmAnd+ and, especially, Organic Maps.
Personally I don’t use maps very often (I know my way around my area pretty well, so I usually just lookup the location of wherever I want to go before leaving home), but I’d say Organic Maps is simpler and more user friendly than OsmAnd+.
Both can work offline if you download the maps for your area.
The maps are pretty good (at least in my area), but compared to Google Maps you’ll have to rely more on street addresses as there aren’t as many points of interest.
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Is it time to remove the pin from this post?
We do deserve end-to-end encrypted communication but then nobody except nerds could be bothered about managing private keys, so in the end providers would manage our keys and still be able to read our messages.
If the problem is that goggle/etc can read your email, not using them for your email is the solution.
Then, yes, there’s also an issue where ecommerce sites submerge us in useless email (is “your package has been shipped” an event so important that I must be immediately notified? Because I only care about when the package will be delivered) and could use a “notificaiton settings” page.
Of the sites I use, the worst offender is aliexpress, which sends (IIRC) “order confirmed”, “package shipped”, “packages reached customs”, “package cleared customs” and “package has been delivered” for every friggin’ item you ordered.
Apologies if this is explained in the article (sorry, as a Linux user I don’t care enough about this story to actually read the article), but… how is a filter that avoid taking screenshots of sensitive info supposed to work? I mean, what kind of divination algorithm can detect something is sensitive without looking at it first?
I know nothing about Wikipedia drama, but the term “logical fallacy” usually indicates a reasoning pattern and does not apply to specific arguments, regardless of how fallacious they may happen be. See
It’s a guy babbling about an anonymous website with the same-old stuff against Stallman, and how that is part of a conspiracy to harm free software.
I watched it (most of it) despite having formed my opinion on the quality of that DistroTube channel a while ago… you might want to be wiser than me and do something else with your time.
Before you put me in the pro-Stallman faction, let me clarify that I think the FSE (non the FSFe - BTW you should change your name guys) is largely irrelevant and so I’ve never investigated the allegations to Stallman enough to take a stance pro or against: I do not care.
I must say, this whole shitshow has been pretty funny to watch :)
The main difference is probably that I have a desktop PC rather than a laptop (plus, a few old hard disks lying around).
I think I’ll keep the local replica even when I’m finished reorganizing the library: the local copy doubles as a backup and I must say I am enjoying the faster access times.
Never heard of it… OMG that must be the worst name for a backup solution! :D
It reeks of abandoned software (last release is 0.50 from 2018), but there is recent activity in git, so… IDK
Yes, Syncthing does watch for file changes… that’s why I am so puzzled that it also does full rescans :)
Maybe they do that to catch changes that may have been made while syncthing was not running… it may make sense on mobies, where the OS like to kill processes willy-nilly, but IMHO not on a “real” computer
OP, I forgot to say! There are specific communities dedicated to self hosting and/or home labbing (eg. [email protected]), you may want to participate there
Yes, and computers people have laying around are most probably not outdated enterprise servers that draw 120w at idle :)
(if anything, that’s something a newbie self hoster may buy since they are cheap and look cool)
Generally speaking, if someone asks/talks about some local topic without bothering to specify where they live, you can just assume they live in the US :)