True, it’s not exactly like they care about real proof.
True, it’s not exactly like they care about real proof.
While this is a shit move by whoever is doing this, it makes virtually no difference for the presidential election. WA electoral votes are winner-takes-all, and always go Dem. A few burned boxes won’t come close in making a difference for president, Biden won by almost a million votes in the last one. It will probably have a decent effect on local elections though.
Be angry at the sun for setting If these things anger you.
-Robinson Jeffers
Throwing a little bit of baking soda into tomato based sauces can tame the acidity as well, and is actually a pretty great trick for neutralizing the canned taste if you’re using canned tomatoes. Just make sure to add it slowly and mix slowly, otherwise you’ll be creating a science fair volcano on your stovetop.
Kinda funny to call out a logical fallacy and then immediately commit an ad hominem (whataboutism) fallacy. Your argument does not change the fact that this is happening and that we aren’t doing everything we can to prevent it. No one involved in this issue is ignoring that China and India are part of the problem, there’s just nothing we can do short of war or economic pressures. War is out of the question because no one would survive to fix the planet anyway, so economic pressure it is, which would once again require us to do something.
The word for me was seahorse, but when I asked it if it had scales the game answered yes. Seahorses do not have scales.
Assuming it was done properly, the Impressions Games. Specifically Zeus+Poseidon.
I know that a Pharaoh remaster/remake was done recently but it sucks.
deleted by creator
Honestly if every brand would stop making their own shitty launchers and filling their phones with bloatware this would mostly not happen anymore I think. Pure Android on Google Pixel phones is hands down better than every other version.
Hotfix: ocular degeneration should no longer be inadvertently applied by immune system. Leaving environmental damage in for balance.
Updated the human immune system to function as intended. This will fix the following issues:
There was a bug which allowed some microscopic entities to negatively impact the performance of human entities. This should no longer occur.
Another bug that caused the immune system to improperly identify friendly or beneficial items as life threatening has been corrected.
The immune system will no longer fail to recognize some cells that have corrupted genetic code. Should result in the elimination of the unintended cancer debuff that was introduced by the evolution process.
Ignoring the obvious flaw of throwing out the importance of infinity here, they would be exceedingly unlikely but technically not unable. A random occurrence is just as likely to happen on try number 1 as it is on try number 10 billion. It doesn’t become any more or less likely as iterations occur. This is an all too common failure of understanding how probabilities work.