Systemd apparently. Every time someone brings it up, the thread devolves into a religious flame war.
I’ve never got this either. I’ve been using Linux exclusively for over 4 years, multiple devices, tested dozens of distros, almost all Systemd-based and I havent ever experienced any problems that the anti-systemd folks talk about.
Or at least, they were so rare and minimal that I didn’t notice.
Coming from an IT background dealing with 99% Windows machines and Microsoft products, maybe my bar was on the floor, but Linux has been soooo much more stable and dependable than Windows.
Systemd is awesome. I used to use init.d and was annoyed when I had to learn systemd instead, but once I did I’m so glad it exists. Declarative is the way to go.
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Cilantro and onions. Y’all wouldn’t last a day in Mexico.
Unfortunately I have the gene, but onions are great though.
Abolutely with you. I fucking hate cilantro and I fucking love onions.
Cilantro is one of the best things in life.
There’s a generic thing with cilantro that makes some people think it tastes like soap. I don’t have it, but my wife does. I hardly notice cilantro, but even a little ruins a dish for her.
What we taste is a specific chemical that you can’t taste. There are a handful of these chemicals that can be tasteless or not based on your genetics. Drinking alcohols all have a chemical like that. If you ever see anyone hold their nose while taking a shot, it means they’re a taster of that chemical, and trying nor to taste it.
I hate both, and I lasted a week in Mexico city, but learned how to request those things off, if I could.
Streaming videos on my phone using speaker for audio while at the restaurant eating lunch. I figured for sure, everyone would want to get in on that awesome stand-up comedy action or zany talk show that I enjoy with my meal. It turns out that (gasp!) some people even think it’s rude…LOL.
To those people who say you can’t express sarcasm over text.
Fucking really? Can you not see it here either?
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Or just get pissed because you included the “/s”
Are you telling me that people do like it when play videos out loud during my lunch?
Only the ones so dense that they’re unable to sense sarcasm in text format.
I’d rather a hundred of those than some kid with mommy’s iPhone watching brainrotting Youtube Kids videos all day with the sound on. At least then I won’t feel bad for the kid.
No, I hate that. Standup comedy is so overrated, what I want to hear is your phone call!
I really only want to hear 1/2 of a phone conversation
There’s a segment on a podcast I listen to that is all about conversations without context, and half of phone conversations are a common feature.
The hosts will mention some they’ve encountered over the week since their last recording, and people will call in to share the ones they hear. Always a good chuckle.
Electric Vehicles.
I just want an 06 Prius. These new ones are huge…
People who hate them have never driven them
fucking despise them, its disgusting that investing in renewables or green only became attractive to governments when it meant sending more money to fucking car manufacturers
electric vehicles will only save the car industry
they are not a real solution to issues made by cars: environmental, economic, social…
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Their batteries are made of lithium and/or other volatile mined metals, which is plenty deadly for the nature.
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Not directly, power generation does for now, but your point stands.
The bigger issue with electric cars is the simple fact that busses and trains will still blow them out of the water in environmental footprint. Using a 4000 lb vehicle to move one person will simply never be efficient, regardless of the drivetrain.
1991 Hook with Robin Williams. I love that movie, but it seems that most people I encounter that didn’t grow up with it think it’s lame and boring.
So maybe not hate, but not love either.
This is one that I liked as a kid but doesn’t hold up as an adult.
It’s a texture thing I think. If I take a bite with mushroom in it, my like animal hind brain just straight up rejects it. Gagging spitting, the whole tottler experience. No conscious thoughts, no tasting, just reflex
I know what you mean. I tend to cut them very fine and take a good long time to cook off all the water in them so they become firmer and less “squeaky” feeling. It helps.
I grew up hating mushrooms. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I learned that my mom was a bad cook. Now I eat them, and many items I hated as a child, all the time.
The last thing I just can’t get behind is olives. And I keep trying in the hopes of something clicks, but it hasn’t
I hated mushrroms my whole childhood. Ate magic mushrooms when I was about 19, and they changed my opinion of mushrroms in general. Like I suddenly appreciated their earthy, woody, umami beauty.
Along with a lot of people preparing them improperly, people just can’t get over the whole fungus thing. I slowly acclimated my wife, and after years of encouragement to try them, mushrooms are now one of her favorite foods, which kind of sucks because now I have to share my mushrooms. All it took was her trying them one single time.
Can’t do it. I can’t do the texture. I also can’t eat any type of squash or zucchini type stuff because of the texture. Immediately makes me gag. Eggplant parmesan is one of my mom’s favorite foods to make and to eat and I’ve probably secretly thrown out about 100 of them.
Large Language Models (such as GPT) and AI image generators.
I follow certain AI related post tags on Tumblr and sometimes I see people expressing pure hatred towards these tools, as they only see the AIs as content thieves.
As an artist I think it’s a more complicated issue than a lot of people are making it out to be, and all the fearmongering some popular artists are promoting really doesn’t help.
I think it’s a more complicated issue than a lot of people are making it out to be
Also. People are pissed that what they have taken years to master others can now get close to replicate with little effort and time.
I’ve just realized that although they call the AIs “content thieves”, what they really feel is that as AIs are able to replicate their skills quickly, it makes them feel their own merit diminished.
If an artist creates artwork inspired on some other artist eveyone’s cool; if an AI does the same, then it’s stolen work even if the generated image is a unique new one.
I wouldn’t say “hate”, to me it’s more… so what? They’re really bad at what they do, only impressive at first glance. Not bad for some brainstorming, but then you end up with a facsimile of what the actual result would be, and now have to use that as a guideline to create the result.
IMO they’re not bad, but they require a lot of tweaking and trial and error.
I’ve learnt some Python thanks to ChatGPT’s help. When I say “some” I mean that I was able to create a custom implementation that uses a web interface and custom tools. The more lI learnt, the less I needed ChatGPT, but I always require some more coding help.
However, these LLMs are not sentient super smart AIs.
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Honestly if every brand would stop making their own shitty launchers and filling their phones with bloatware this would mostly not happen anymore I think. Pure Android on Google Pixel phones is hands down better than every other version.
It is only bad in the sense that it could be so much more, but it certainly is the best we have for phones atm.
Black Licorice
My mother likes black licorice and so my sister and I grew up eating and enjoying it every Easter. Turns out most people hate the stuff.
Oddly I really liked it as a kid and now I can’t stand it.
Yeah part of why I liked Halloween was those bags of black and orange jelly beans. The only jellybean flavors I liked as a kid. I love licorice, anise, fennel. My kids do too. They ask for fennel instead of onion in a lot of foods.
I do understand people not liking it though, it’s a strong and odd flavor. Like cantaloupe.
He said surprised…
Snap on Ubuntu. I totally did not comprehend that it was proprietary; I just thought it was convenient, like apt.
I didn’t know that, but I already disliked it because installed apps don’t really integrate in the system (eg: file system access, themes).
Even Ubuntu installs this way something as basic as Firefox, what the fuck? At least I managed to get rid of the snap version and install it properly.
Ahh, I hate Snap so much. It actually what drove me to switch to Arch (btw). It was just so annoying going to install something and having it try to pull in snap and all its dependencies… And of course, if you don’t want Snap you have to deal with the inconvenience of finding another way to install the app.
There are reasons to dislike Snap on principle and also very practical reasons. It liked randomly preventing the system from shutting down. Installing a new OS on a slow or unreliable internet connection and want a browser? How about we install Snap and then tell to download that thing and maybe a bunch of random internal dependencies with no visible progress and unreliable error handling? Get it away from me.
The third Alien movie, Alien 3.
I love the first one as a proper horror film, and love the second one as a great action film. Alien 3 always seemed to stand well with the other two by returning to the horror genre, and expanding on Ripley.
In the third film, Ripley has lost everything that she fought so hard for in second film, and it’s her against this alien that has taken everything and she knows it’s finally going to take her life in total.
The setting in Alien 3 was very original as a penal colony that’s just hot and dark, and the design of the alien is entirely different since it burst from a dog (or, a bull if you watch the Director’s Cut). The alien moves faster and more haphazardly and the cinematography reflects this as well. The final scene with Ripley’s sacrifice is the fitting end to what was a trilogy at that point.
I don’t know whether people confuse Alien 3 with the 4th one or what, but Alien 3 is a fantastic film that holds up well decades later. I’m always confused by the fact that people slam it so often, and it wasn’t until I saw people crapping on it online that I realized that there was even a consensus that it was bad.
Agreed. It’s in 2nd place behind the orginal, in my opinion.
Alien 3 is decent, alien 4 is an atrocity
holds up well decades later
Agreed… except for the cgi at the end 😬
I was shocked to discover the hatred the old live action Mario movie gets. I enjoyed it when it came out when I was a kid. I rewatched it as an adult to see if my memory was faulty… still enjoyed it. It’s a little campy, but it’s a fun romp! I unironically enjoy it, as a good movie and not as a “so-bad-it’s-good” movie. And yet it gets so much hate…
I’m kinda with you. I didn’t hate it as a kid. However, if you were expecting a MARIO AND LUIGI movie it just didn’t come even close to delivering. I wish they’d just made that movie as something else, because it wasn’t Mario.
I was an older teen when it came out and didn’t see it until just a few months ago. I don’t think it’s great but I was more entertained watching it than the new animated movie. It’s totally bonkers.
Ready Player One. It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read but I enjoyed it.
I loved the book and the movie. It’s one of the few times I was glad the movie changed a lot from the book. It wouldn’t have translated well and they were aware of that. They both stand well on their own. I’m looking forward to part 2.
Same. It’s clearly by an inexperienced author but the story and moment-to-moment storytelling was neat.
Even the movie was great IMO, clever way of modernizing the components of the novel for the audience the movie was intended for.
The novel is already fairly modern, and they just totally reworked the story in ways it didn’t need to be while also making the protagonists get into trouble by doing stupid shit instead of making the villains more intelligent or one step ahead, so that’s always a net loss for me.
Didn’t like the movie but I actually enjoyed the book and all the 80-90’s references in it.
If you haven’t already go get Reamde by Neil Stephenson. Slightly similar but less campy vibe - also enjoyed.