Cheap cancer
Cheap cancer
Hell core?
He’s still in the Cortex podcast :)
CGP Grey might be one of the most interesting people to ever have lived. I cannot get enough of his podcasts. I still miss Hello Internet dearly.
They can be if you are brave
Welcome to the Jungle?
Or is into some kinky shit
I think I’ve seen the video he’s referring to. It was good background noise for when I explored the underworld in Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (took ages!)
What do you mean?
Nintendo can’t stop you from saying ***** ****.
This comment has had content censured due to a claim made by Nintendo Co., Ltd.
You must mean 7.5 hours
Laughs/cries in European
Yeah, it couldn’t separate the video channels.
YPbPr or RGB cables were essential if you had a compatible monitor. Composite just sucked
There were composite and component cables for these consoles.
My mnemonic device for remembering which of the two that sucked was that: one is called component, and the other is compo-shite :)
“He has unclean flour in the corner of the bag” = he’s untrustworthy
Danish has this also, just phrased like “He’s not got clean flour in the bag”
Maybe it’s from common heritage
How much 5,200 ft in average human speech?
I compliment my friends. So, some men get compliments :)
Waaaay too late for that
How long is this in world units?
I have two Gmail accounts. One for important stuff, that should send me notifications, and one for all the other things - though I do unsubscribe from junk.
People I know who still use Hotmail get an insane amount of phishing emails. It’s actually scary. Gmail does its job.
Killer porpoise!
Is the nation OK?