Always these bot accounts pretending to be human.
Always these bot accounts pretending to be human.
Do you feel empathy for them?
This, but always during an unpausable cutscene.
I mostly work in qtile in a fullscreen layout or a diagonal split between two windows. My hotkeys are super+d for rofi in dmenu mode and super+q for a shutdown menu also in rofi.
If they use a password manager and randomly generated passwords, then it’s acceptable.
The framework 16 is a gaming laptop. The framework 13 should be enough for your needs.
Like my username implies I am definitely not responsible for breaking into this persons home and stealing 3-4 pizzas last week.
An assassin will be assigned to the assassins to even the chances.
It is also a reasonable explanation for any disappearing pizza.
Aren’t the megathreads synced?
Install paru and use it to install mongodb from the aur.
First time I hear of trizen. How does it compare to yay or paru?
What trustworthy options do you have for acquiring hardware?
Have you tried looking for used thinkpads?
A used framework 13 might be something for you
How many of these just stand in China’s EV graveyards?
Have fun with screen tearing
You could try using usb tethering to provide internet for the installation.