To be fair, it was always strange, but oddly enjoyable, eating food/snacks of characters. Scooby Foo snaks, Santa Chocolates come to mind.
The always jacked up Mickey Mouse and SpongeBob ice creams from the ice cream truck.
Eating then was just putting those abominations out of their misery
The licensing probably costs a ton
As a kid I couldn’t eat that. I still have problems with this. I tried buying dino nuggets a while back and my spouse had to eat them in the end. Which is especially absurd considering that the animal shape throws me off of eating an actual animal. But I’ve worked my way through to be able to eat gummibears and sometimes even chocolate santas, but I have to eat them immediately and not let their headless carcass lie around. (Bunnies are worse.)
Do you feel empathy for them?
I guess so. I had to convince myself that gummi bears are in great pain and the only thing that helps them is to be chewed on, like a massage kinda thing. That’s the only way I can eat gummi bears. I am in my 30s man.