Y’know most of us audiophiles are managing actual libraries… but they’re not mp3. Mines mostly flac.
Y’know most of us audiophiles are managing actual libraries… but they’re not mp3. Mines mostly flac.
War crimes are explicitly not terrorism by definition. If you need a basic high school education though there’s hopefully a public school near you. This subject and topic is covered under civics.
Wars are by definition lawful. Sorry you’re wrong
It’s also not a twisted definition. It’s the literal dictionary definition that all countries use when defining terrorism.
And no, if war time acts were not lawful, all war is terrorism which it isn’t so again you’re wrong.
Israel can’t be called terrorism because terrorism must be—by definition—unlawful
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Emphasis mine.
They are terrorists. That’s literally what they are. The fact that attacked an evil fascist state’s city doesn’t change that.
As the owner of a Victoria Arduino E1… it is not smart. They tried. My DE1XL was the better machine, for $2,000 less.
We need to start living by the “see a racist/Nazi, punch a racist/Nazi” standard.
Constitutional protections such as the first amendment apply to minors as well.
The term dreads or dreadlocks is considered pretty racist depending on who you ask. But I’m not black so honestly wouldn’t take my word on the topic as gospel at all.
This is actually false. Students do indeed have constitutional rights. And you must meet the same strict scrutiny standard to restrict them.
But your S23 Ultra also uses the most common cable type for a charger. That isn’t proprietary. That you likely already have a good several of.
Moral objectivism is pretty much the argument that inevitably always ends with an authoritarian regime to “eliminate” the “unethical” people from society. Germany first, and all that.
See but you’re assuming that we agree to your axiomatic premise that there is no moral difference between the two.
We reject your premise. Prove there’s no difference.
More than half of America lives paycheck to paycheck. Vegan options are more expensive. Until you fix the economic crisis and solve poverty you really can’t enforce veganism.
This isn’t even getting into the fact that vegan options are literally nonexistent in many places.
Oh but you don’t care about that because you only care about veganism because it allows you to feel morally superior to others.
“Carnism” that’s the difference between vegans and non-vegans.
Only vegans view their diet as a lifestyle and shit on everyone else who isn’t vegan. We’re not “carnists” we don’t give a fuck really except that we hate vegans. Why? Because you lot are the pushiest, most openly judgemental, arrogant pieces of shit to walk the earth.
You think the US cares about that? Europeans still have to defacto prove they aren’t Americans or they get taxed American taxes by their European banks.
The US does not and has not ever cared about international borders unless they benefit the US.
Also unfortunately: their video player fucking sucks.
I’ll take “winwing not charging $300 for what’s realistically half the quality of VKB” over trying to land a real plane… and I own a PA28.