I just wanted to say good luck. We’re all counting on you.
I just wanted to say good luck. We’re all counting on you.
This stuff is what flight simulators’ players dream about.
No, we dream about reasonably priced peripherals, great internet connections and 20 minutes of fucking peace.
I’ll take “winwing not charging $300 for what’s realistically half the quality of VKB” over trying to land a real plane… and I own a PA28.
The Airplane! movies hold up, fight me.
(Please don’t fight me I’m old and tired.)
Fight you? You wouldn’t even try fighting back except during the playoffs, Kareem!
Don’t call me movie.
Do we have clearance, Clarence? Roger.
What’s our vector, Victor?
Tower’s radio clearance, over!
It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.
A medical emergency? What is it?
Ted Striker!