You’re missing the point. Games are cheaper now then they were then.
You’re missing the point. Games are cheaper now then they were then.
You clearly don’t understand development if you are so worked up over day one DLC.
Development has always worked in stages.
Imaging being so tilted over a small DLC meanwhile games like BG3 get “released” after 4 years of development which the largest team seen on any one game and it was still basically unfinished mess.
They are both small developers that release average to good games that also had a rocky end.
Liberal is central… left leaning central.
Alexa isn’t an example of a wiretap and the same laws to access data from them are present with actual wiretaps.
I have a Juris Doctorate in surveillance law in Canada and completed Modern Surveillance Law through Standford.
My city of 15k has 10G Fibre. The collective communities just outside all enjoy 1.5G.
Volition were a good studio. It’s basically saying Naughty Dog is a low effort studio.
He was one of the voices for Latinos For Trump. The Proud Boys are not against black or Latino people.
And it’s exclusively used by pedophiles and the far right.
Chernobyl disaster was a one off caused by old tech and user error and more people have died from wind turbine accidents than they have due to nuclear reactor accidents.
The cost per kWh for solar is 7 times higher than that of modern nuclear power plants.
There is a giant hole in a mountain specifically for the purpose of waste disposal.
So does hydro, solar and wind energy generation.
Hydro is the better option but requires changes to water supply, solar requires massive fields of empty land, wind generation is loud and disturbs local wildlife while at the same time has the largest fail rate.
Nuclear is the best option. It’s the cheapest when considering the energy output, most environmentally friendly, and takes up the least amount of space.
The largest radioactive disaster was misuse of medical equipment.
Most monitors support AMD better.
No. Use your rights. Withhold payment until the service is restored.
They may be good tenants and assume that most tenants are good tenants. Not realizing how rare that is.
Then you also have the ones who say every landlord is bad, which is clearly them just being a bad tenant.
I put my rent fairly low to help people out but the low income people are generally disasters to rent to.
Again. Scroll up. That’s a picture of you.
Imagine having no taste and thinking there are decent Linux UIs. Good Jesus.
Linux is pretty dogshit as well. I haven’t seen a decent UI yet either.
I had a rentoid that would call me for the most insane shit all the time. Changing light bulbs, fixing their own personal AC unit and stopping a neibourhood dog from barking.
When they were evicted I held the damage deposit because the hardwood floors and internal doors were damaged to fuck by their dog which they tried to claim as being normal wear and tear.
All rentoids are bad. Rents due poor.
Makes sense. THC withdrawals been linked to aggression.
I’ve ran into a few issues with AI written articles.
One for Assassins Creed Odessey on how to get wood quickly. It listed 5 methods and only 2 of them were in the game.
Another with articles on Baldurs Gate 3 talking about upgrading your equipment. I beat the game twice in 20 hours and never came across the workbench mentioned in the articles. It was at that time the articles were clearly parroting one another with false data.