I need me a jazz cigarette, I’m having the shakes, Daddy-O!
I need some of that devil lettuce to get in the groove.
mmmMMmmmm MMM! I do love me some lazer lettuce, that jazz cabbage doobee do it every time
all the good guys are smoking cigarettes bemoaning the dangers of the devils weed.
are they cigars, I can’t tell
One marijuana, please
Yeah man, I could also really go for a marijuana about now
Be careful, you cannot do more than four marijuanas a year to avoid addiction
deleted by creator
This tracks
Talk to your friends about freebasing marijuana. Otherwise you’ll identify their bodies at the morgue.
Me after 2 hours in the office
Many of us, I think. Work sucks.
me irl
He needs running through with a flaming duffel coat.
That man really needs to sniff some weeds.
You want him to talk coherently after having “a marijuana?” Yeah, good luck with that!
Tbf, my brother absolutely freaks the fuck out if he goes too long without a joint. He acts more explosively angry than itching invisible bugs, but the feeling behind it is the same.
Makes sense. THC withdrawals been linked to aggression.
He has other issues then that he needs to deal with.
You think the guy above doesnt?? Lol.
Does he smoke with tobacco? Smoking with tobacco does that to me
No, he’s just got a host of issues. For some people, weed just exasperates that, and he’s one of them.