I raise you
I raise you
it’s been a long road . . . .
When that second episode of the first season dropped I said the same thing to a friend that’s a die hard Star Trek fan. They weren’t enjoying the new Trek, yet, but wanted the thought provoking episodes now, action later/sprinkled in
3 and 8
Then I can Time Warp to the past and become a king! Or holy figure
One can only hope
Dear God, Cthulhu, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Shiva, Tiny Baby Jesus in His crib
All I ask for the next 2 years is universal healthcare, Henry Kissinger to die an embarrassing death, and this to be true
I was suddenly thrown back to elementary school and had a deep seated rage that hadn’t reared it’s head in decades come crashing over me
Was that a stroke?
Munchkin is . . . Orange; and Sozin looks out for/tolerates the young one
Don’t mess with Librarians! They are the holders of secret knowledge and will contact each other to find out if you still haven’t returned that book from the 3rd grade!
Not Constantinople?