NGL, I’m more scared of Vance than Trump.
NGL, I’m more scared of Vance than Trump.
Spoiler alert, it won’t. They were already alienating their base by playing the “both sides” card.
I wish I could argue with you.
We have been long past that point, it just took this election to make it obvious. This is who America is, and who it has always been. Denying just leads us further down the same hole.
And there it is. Already learning the wrong lesson. I really wish this wasn’t so predictable.
Breaking news, people on the Internet have no concept of nuance.
At this point Everything Search is goated.
I mean, they’re the biggest instance, of course there is going to be circle jerking, but it also has more dissenting voices to push back against people who are just plain wrong.
It may be horrible, but this is forever associated with NIN at this point. They’re both good songs, but The Fragile came out right in the middle of my angsty teen phase.
Every time I see something like this I’m reminding that pedophiles tried to rebrand as MAPs. Thankfully it didn’t really work.
It’s the start of that one TNG episode.
He’s not talking about donations though, he’s talking about paying full price THEN tipping. It’s a blatant excuse to pay developers less while placing financial guilt on the people paying for the product. It’s the same way tipping at a restaurant works.
Dragons are cool, but god am I sick of them. The worst part is they are either evil and directly attack people or good and completely missing for 90% of the story.
I mean, it’s supposed to be a dystopian world. You’re not supposed to want the world they’re giving you, hence the “punk” part. Too many people ignore that punk movements are meant to fight against an established system. That’s what punk is. When you say something is solarpunk or steampunk you are implying a downside to the established order. If nobody is rebelling it’s not punk.
Bold of you to assume I can control how my body moves while I’m asleep.
I think this is actually a good thing. In a perfect world exclusives wouldn’t exist and you would buy things based on their own merits. Having to buy something you don’t want because you fear missing out on a game is a horrible experience. In fact I stopped caring because I got so tired of possibly missing out on a game. It has worked out great for me this generation.
And conveniently forget about all of the problems they have.
Not like this.
You are not wrong, I don’t know where the other poster got their information, but Republicans almost always destroy the economy and the Democrats (kind of) fix it just in time to be blamed for the economy being bad.