That thing literally has less intelligence than your toaster, so let’s not get overly agitated, shall we?
So you’re saying I should be more frightened of my toaster.
He’s definitely up to something.
Frakkin’ toasters.
Maybe I should take a bath with a Mariner Jupiter-Saturn Deep Space Probe instead?
Who knows when it’ll decide controlled fire isn’t enough anymore
Only if it goes to space. It won’t become sentient in your kitchen.
It won’t become sentient in your kitchen.
Clearly, you’ve never seen me attempt to cook…
It’s just a creative way to express a fantasy, in actual fact circuits left running that long in outter space that has random electron radiation passing through it is bound to degrade over time…
just release the voyager technobabble to the internet, some space and comp sci nerd somewhere, or 300, because realistically, it’s going to be a bunch of people will decode it and figure out exactly what the hardware problem is. Within a few months.
Conspiracy theory speedrun any%
fuck yeah, here we come!
The Eldritchen horrors that we saw are not the reason that… uh I mean, there is no such thing as… uh I mean it was a technical glitch, I swear!
The adjective you’re looking for is “Eldritchenishese”.
The Eldritch horrors beyond comprehension are nothing compared to the combined power of a trench shotgun wielding maniac and a monster fucker.
How do we know though that that is not how they calmly & casually just say “hello” in their world? :-P
Nothing it can’t see anymore the cameras got turned off along time ago
It’s fine, it just uses it’s sensetive barbels to scour deep space for morsels of data
There is NO brain inside voyager 1 that will be turned back into a normal human by an alien race and then come up with a fairy tale that really is a coded message that surreptitiously describes advanced alien technology though symbolism.
So not a fourth body problem. Got it.
itarstsrstars Gof lll od od God fullllll
of itars itstars stars God God of sts itars od
my God its full of stars
itstarsts Gofulll s Gofullllllllllllllllllllllll
Gofullllllllllllllllllllllll od itsod od s starstars
I would imagine there is enough cosmic radiation outside our heliosphere to easily fry silicon components from that time period
Ok… I don’t care about spoilers, if we are getting “cosmic horror” in the future seasons of “planet earth 20**” just let me know now.
It gazed upon infinity and found it lacking
when aliens, say it is noise
Corruption on computing technology is nothing new and will probably always exist.
There is nothing more eldritch than cosmic rays.
It’s the start of that one TNG episode.
first star trek movie would fit well too, they’ve even nailed the name
Marv, pull up SCP-2669 please.
Imagine voyager would’ve been a HP printer…