What do the number of black stripes under the months designate?
What do the number of black stripes under the months designate?
Although it is true what you say and I do agree, I also read between your lines that maybe you don’t know how difficult and (life)long that process is.
An eating disorder is a disease/issue that honestly isn’t solvable, you carry that weak point for the rest of your life and will have to battle it. Which with eating is extra difficult, since you have to eat. You can’t stay sober from food.
(But maybe I misunderstood your words (being written text without further context). )
“Only downside is that there’s no way it’s good for you.”
That’s a big ‘only downside’. You should check how much salt is in those things.
(Why can’t they make processed foods healthy?)
Oh no, the world is now seriously doing what was a funny satirical subplot in the movie Brewster’s Millions.
Movies are not meant as instructions people, cmon!
Don’t worry. He didn’t win the majority. Headline is too sensational.
The Netherlands has always been a centrist, or even socialist, country. That won’t change.
In fact, this could be a blessing in disguise: let him try to form a goverment. He won’t. And if he does, he will fail making policies/laws that are too far right anyway. And then after a few years, the coalition will fall apart. And we will vote again. And then he will lose this temporary win again.
I am 0% worried.
No, you’re being downvoted because your post suggests that you basically reward them by not leaving. That their scummy change doesn’t affect you is lucky for you, but don’t ‘gloat’ in a topic where the TS is saying it does affect them.
You know, empathy? Or at least show some solidarity.
“This too will pass”
True for both good and bad times. Good time? Enjoy it, since it will pass. Bad time? Endure it, it will pass.
I’m not sure if you’re pulling my leg, but sure, I get that. But what is a single/double/triple stripe month?
Now I am really curious…