can you image what the internet would do then? It would end similar to microsofts twitter AI who did learn to be racist by the internet and to swear and stuff.
can you image what the internet would do then? It would end similar to microsofts twitter AI who did learn to be racist by the internet and to swear and stuff.
no it doesn’t. i tried to achieve this multiple times myself and it never worked. and the cases where journalists say it did, they needed to specific ask a lot of times and in a highly specific way till they got a short snippet. Chatgpt dont spits out the exact same phrases over and over again if you ask the same, but has a variable defining how “random” and “far away from the perfect next predicted text” the output is, and by default this makes sure that the answers are never the same. Otherwise it wouldn’t be chat like but more like a simple database spitting out always the same answers for the same question. But that’s not how chatgpt works.
same bs with apps not running jidt because root or apps not being visible in playstore because of it. Netflix isn’t even showing up as existing in playstore just because i have root. it’s nuts. and there are tons of apps like this.
i 99% of the time use old reddit so dunno about that. but usually if i get replys to old comments its actual users and not bots. sometimes i replied to them and asked and they said they found it random by looking through reddit and google as an example.
i sometimes get comments to sometimes even 6+ years old comments. it’s rare but happens and i always wonder how someone found my comment after this time.
a lot of people do. there are greasemonkey scripts for it. some scripts even only delete certain old posts after a certain date so reddit isn’t picking up to it quickly.
they gave me the option, but I’m not in the US so I couldn’t even do it if i wanted. so why they even asked me to is beyond me. it’s just bs.
“hey… wanna buy our stuff?”
“oh you’re not from the US. sorry.”
“but you knew I’m not from the US”
i use chatgpt for coding (i can code myself but it helps with a lot of stuff), and if I wouldn’t be able to code i would wonder why nothing works. but because i know how to code i know that chatgpt is often just writing horrible code which often does something completly else than asked. so i often think “screw this i do it myself” after countless trys to let chatgpt fix it.
girls falling in love with the main character and wanting to stay with him for the rest of the story just because they have met random.
and at the same time he only lets you use twitter with an account and killed thirdparty apps on mobile.
a lot did when the third-party kill happend. i mean, look at the current state of reddit. almost only bots and karma whores posting, but the real core community who really contributed content (bot just reposting stuff but creating it) is being less and less active.
as far i know, this isn’t intented for normal users but more for companys. normal users are supposed to upgrade. you can basically pay microsoft for a bit more time so you can change your workflow to be able to switch to win11.
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The issue with LLMs is, that they got trained with all kinds of data. so not just real scientific data but also fantasy (lies, books, movie scripts etc )… and nobody told the LLMs while training them what is fantasy or what not. so they only know how to generate text that looks “legit” without really knowing what is true and what not. so if you ask for a person and their personal details as an example… a LLM could generate real looking data that is just fantasy because it learned that such data looks like this. same goes for everything else like programming code, book titles, facts etc… LLMs just generates text in the correct format and which looks real, without caring if its real or not.
i mean… try using it for even simple stuff like designing code. Often, ChatGPT creates a fantasy library that does the task you ask chatgpt tk do… the library don’t exists, but chatgpt writes you code using that fantasy software library. Same with program functions who don’t exist.
Same happens with stuff like People, telephone numbers, locations, books etc… tons of fantasy stuff.
LLMs aren’t trustworthy for such stuff if you need real info and not just creative help with fantasy stuff. And even for those tasks it is usually not really good enough.
for me it just sounds like the chip is receiving signals from neurons and the “spike” is basically a signal.
short: the chips works well in receiving signals and you can control the mouse by that. so nothing sending hut just receiving and getting a clear signal.
back when i was still a teenager, ww did battle ourselfes who typed faster even without a keyboard lol. We just typed on a table or something just based on our finger memory of where which key is normally on a keyboard. This days i often type on my smartphone, but you can’t rly type a lot or fast on phones so i still prefer normal computer typing for most things. But people who just chat and don’t code or similar…yeah, they probably are mostly only using their phone. my sister as an example hasn’t used her laptop for nore than 4 years, probably more… and just does everything on her phone.