Here’s to hoping they’re hourly and not salaried!
Here’s to hoping they’re hourly and not salaried!
“Can’t help everyone so let’s just help no one instead!”
You’re enabling your boss’ bad behavior. At some point it stops being their fault.
And Dr Ruth. That lady was such a charming little horn dog.
“May you live in interesting times” generally isn’t said with good intentions; interesting can be bad.
I was thinking something like Christofascist parents bringing a list of books to the Christofascist school boards that have been deemed sufficiently full of hate as to be individually approved to be in the classroom.
I dunno. I’m just so cynical on all this stuff these days that it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they found a way. Keeping my fingers crossed I’m wrong.
I’m sure they’ll carve out an exception for those eventually.
One of my favorites - I’m crossing the street as a pedestrian, a car waiting to turn is waiting for me to get across, and everyone behind them (who still have a clear view of me) are honking at them for not going.
The more they honk, the slower I walk.
I was bored, so I entertained myself with murder.
What a fantastic society he’s fighting for.
How to properly go through a four-way stop.
When I find myself feeling particularly queer, I just watch Turkish oil wrestling to man myself back up again.
I host a handful of Internet facing sites/applications from my NAS and have had no issues. Just make sure you know how to configure your firewall correctly and you’ll be fine.
Thanks for the detailed response! I’ll look into this one.
Parking that much merchandise in one spot - might I suggest hiring a security guard or two? Maybe at least a fence and gate?
I demand efficiency! I’ve got angry things to scream into the void!
Didn’t this happen last year, too? Feels like this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this headline.
I do still want to go Drinking Around the World in Epcot, though. So they might still end up squeezing a little more cash out of me.
Not all that confusing. The fix is deployed so it won’t affect any more machines. The ones already affected will take a while to restore.