Superior… Well. I don’t miss the smell of smoke everywhere. But I do miss the slower news cycle. And not having to grow up with any media that try’s to tell me everybody is everybody’s enemy.
Born in 80. Share the feeling. We are called xennials. And it’s unnerving… sometimes.
Surprise… NOT! These fucktards take money from everyone to reach their ugly goals. And Putin and his intelligence services are known for this. I just hope this has some consequences. But I fear it will not.
Relatable. I like it. I totally feel this way. Whoever did this made me feel seen. Except the height part.
Dear whereever you are from,
We know. Some of us live next to the Netherlands, so we already had a steady access.
Your Germans
I’m in the same boat. I feel like everything is just regurgitated over and over again. Every twist, every turn. And I’m tired of watching something and be able to predict, what the plot will be. It’s the same with music. Many songs are written to perform by metrics, like length and listener retention in the first 30 seconds, so that you reach the magical monetization line on the streaming platform of your labels choice.
I got that. It was more about how the Blast Chiller generally functions. It does not use radiation from the electromagnetic spectrum like a microwave, but uses airflow like the afromentioned convection oven. But thanks again for explaining. I appreciate the additional input.
But isn’t the cooling method an airflow and steady temperature decrease of the chamber?
Seems more like a reverse convection oven than a microwave.
But thanks otherwise. I never knew these existed. Was an interesting read.
Don’t forget to work your sixty hours to save up for some property that you will never have a chance to buy.
You forgot to add that we were once leader in solar tech, but that industry got destroyed willingly by the then ruling CDU and Peter Altmeyer.
Thanks for the laugh!
He learned that trick from former german chancelor Angela Merkel. “Merkel-Raute” is the term.
Danke. Hab ich übersehen.