I’m a liberal progressive GenXer and my workplace is full of MAGA millenials. I thought I would be OK when the boomers started to die off from heart disease, but here we are.
Millennials skew more left than previous generations. Unfortunately there’s still plenty of brainwashed MAGATs in every generation.
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Maybe a little bit better, some of the ones most responsible for brainwashing the younger generation are people like Rupert Murdoch, Dennis Prager, etc.
But I agree, people shouldn’t be complacent. I actually found this article on the conservative site iPatriot talking about upcoming and younger influential conservatives.
Dude, that sucks. Tots and bears go out to ya.
Gen X to everyone, you fucking donkeys.
Exactly. The amount of millenials I see that want to drive muscle cars and big pickups but then shit on gen x for the climate is too damn high.
Everyone knows what they did.
World would be a better place if they did
Gen X to Gen X: You fucking donkeys
Gen X to Gen X: we probably should have stopped saying whatever and done more.
Pretty much, most of the gen x I work with are indistinguishable from boomers at this point.
kids don’t want to work these days
people need to just save more money
immigrants are taking all the jobs
[2hrs of scrolling]
I was in a “generational diversity” course at work recently where we would break apart and talk about what behaviors are common among each generation and why, and how to be good leaders for each generation. We started with the “greatest” generation and the “silent” generation and worked our way down in age. Everything started so respectful and nice for the old folks, even excusing their shortcomings when one was actually brought up due to how they were raised and the tough circumstances they grew up under. By the time we got to millennial and gen z, things took a turn. Even the instructor was laying on the judgement pretty thick. “They have had everything handed to them growing up so they don’t appreciate hard work”, “[…] participation trophies […]”, etc
I don’t think I could’ve sat there and not fucked that teacher up emotionally.
If you don’t want kids to have participation trophies don’t give them participation trophies. You didn’t go out and buy yourself a trophy for everything, did you?
If I want to buy a trophy for myself with my own hard earned money to make myself feel like a winner, those boomers can kiss my ass.
I don’t understand why this whole generation concept is so popular these days. I don’t think it helps anyone if it’s just used for sensationalistic general statements that pit one group against the other. This is the same unthinking logic that racism operates on. I cannot see that this way of thinking would in any way help to find solutions to the real problems or even to identify the actors who are responsible for today’s ills. On the contrary, it only helps irresponsible profiteers to continue their greed for profit at the expense of the general public by placing the blame on an anonymous group rather than on the individuals who are actually responsible.
It’s so popular because it helps irresponsible profiteers.
That’s exactly like something a boomer would say!
Let’s get him!
Get the Pitchforks!
What’s wrong with gen x? I remember being repeatedly told growing up that we were the first generation for which things were gonna be worse than the previous. Lo and fucking behold.
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We got your back. Not sure who’s saying millennials dislike gen x, but they’re not speaking for most of us.
I think its mostly focused on the older gen x, some of them are worse than the boomers.
A lot of them aren’t, though. They were named Gen X at least in part as a reference to Malcolm X due to their rebellious nature towards previous generations and their societal norms.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I am a geriatric millenial and watching gen Z grow up has actually been incredible. It is a generation that has more compassion and self-awareness than the ones that came before them. I am proud of these kids (even though most of them aren’t even kids anymore).
AFAICT Gen X should really just be split into Boomers and early millennials.
I’m a late gen X (1978) and do not associate with boomers at all.
We’re basically millennials before the internet.
I’m also a late Gen X. Please, please, PLEASE don’t group us with Boomers. We’re nothing like them and proud of it.
I’m from 1980, so technically Gen X, but I’ve always associated more with millennials. My first phone (after I moved out of my parents’ house where we had landline) was a Nokia 3210 and I got my first email account in 1996.
You, my 1980 cousin, are Xennial! We have an analog childhood and a digital young adulthood.
Also a 1980 baby, but because of my dad’s work, we had the internet, such as it was, in late 86/ early 87, and I literally had a computer available to me since birth. Some of us got started on the digital part early.
See you in the third act :)
It makes much more sense when a generation boundary is marked by some sort of significant societal shift. Like Boomers are people born after WWII ended. I guess Gen X kinda makes sense being defined as a generation that grew up after the civil rights act and the establishment of rock & roll. But it seems like there should also be something between that and the internet, because as you say there’s a difference in late Gen X. Maybe the advent of video games should be a cutoff. Someone who grew up with video games and VCRs in the 80s has a pretty different experience from someone who grew up in the 70s.
I was born in 77. I am the Star Wars generation.
Space Invaders
I’ve always been told the defining turn from boomers to Gen X was the end of the boom. Readily available birth control for men and women made family planning the norm. Gen X just doesn’t get a fancy name because they never got there “define with this” phenomena
That makes sense as a reason too. I think the 60s saw an undeniable cultural shift. The 80s is harder to pinpoint and yet I don’t know anyone born in the last years of the 70s that is comfortable with being grouped with Gen X without caveats.
i’m late gen x (78), that’s more comfortable to me than being lumped with millennials. (the caveat being, i suppose, that we’re dissimilar in some respects from early gen x.)
internet was not widely available until about the time i started college, and gen x media defined popular culture at that time. i also relate to the notion of being the child of two working parents - the first generation of latchkey kids.
i tend to see millennials as people who were kids when i was in school - and they grew up with the internet.
As a person born nearly a decade after you, I pride my generation (Gen Y/millennial) as also experiencing life before computers and the internet in your home, but still developing (sort of naturally) with all that (but still remembering what it felt like to be really and truly bored). Gen Zers born after a similar gap as between me and those born later, don’t remember life before the internet or 9/11.
Hello fellow Xennial!
Millenials were the original “avocado toast” generation targeted by boomers. We’ve been conditioned to protect our young from the real babies in these older generations. But there are good ones and bad ones in every generation.
Gen X here. Full support to my Milennial and Zoomer homies.
I wonder if in the future, millennials and gen z will become the new boomers and gen X.
That will make me kinda sad. I just hope we don’t go down the same path…
I don’t know, I’m an X, we don’t really exist anywhere, we are transparent and ignored in societies.
My parents are (early) Gen X. In general I don’t think you are transparent or ignored. I’m not saying this isn’t your case though.
I appreciate my parents and even though they are “outdated” on some stuff, I value them immensely. For instance, if it wasn’t for my dad I likely would never have gotten into omputers. And that would’ve led me not have my current job (probably). I owe everything to them.
In fact, in my country at least (not US), I’m pretty sure Boomers + Gen X make up the majority of the voting power due to declining birth/death rates. (These stats are 100% pulled out of my ass, so they can very well be wrong.)
So, if anything you’re the ones who hold more power (again, in my country at least).
What I’m trying to say is, things aren’t as black and white as this stupid memes make them seem. We’re all collectively messed up somehow. :)
I don’t think so. Generations that actually struggle end up being good to the next generation. IE the greatest generation
It’s the entitled cunts that got everything handed to them that turn into massive assholes. IE Boomers
Nice theory, but as the parent of a teenager, younger generations don’t tend to think highly of their elders no matter what. It’s kind of human nature. I predict that Millennials and Gen Z will absolutely be disliked by the generations afterwards, just as Boomers and Gen X are disliked by Millennials and Gen Z. For that matter, love Gen Z all you want, Millennials, just don’t expect it to return the favor. Every generation thinks it’s better than the ones that came before. Ever heard of hippies? Yeah, they were gonna save the world from everyone over 30. Now we just call them Boomers.
I’m not talking about teenagers. You can’t judge generations based on your experience with your kid.
I’m talking the overall trend of the population en masse. Those that know the struggle are more empathetic than those who never struggle.
I judge it by the fact that young people tend to blame their elders for the problems in the world. The only way to really know what will happen is to wait and see I suppose!
You won’t, you’re all perfect of course! All the best commercials tell you so, to say nothing of the most reliable source, one another!
Sorry but those broccoli haircuts are a deal breaker for me. Sucks about global warming and all though, yall got the short end of the stick
No you won’t, you’ll just yell at them anonymously online. We know your tricks!
I mean, I’m vocal to family and friends about stuff like this. I don’t see the point in fighting strangers over it and I don’t go out looking for strangers to talk to, but I’ve definitely said stuff to coworkers when I think the joke is going to far, basically a “hey, why don’t we just drop this subject” type thing.
Still you’re right I’d not really get into it unless they keep doing it.
Edit though the thing I’ve probably defended the most to my friends (because they aren’t assholes who do racists or even really generational complaints like this) has been furry hate bandwagoning. While, like every group of people, there are problematic furries, most of them are just isolated people finding people they can identify with, who can comfort each other. No need to hate em for a fetish/role play if they aren’t actually harming anyone or any animals. I’m not even sure I’ve heard of a self proclaimed furry who actually practiced beastiality instead of just fursonas etc, but rules of the universe say there has to be at least one.
As a millennial, I have no problem with z or x, my issue is with the generation that got theirs and made sure the following generations would never be able to. The pieces of shit who grew up preaching peace and love and then voted for Reagan. At least their kids hated them so much that we got great music out of it.
I’m genX. I just got off the monthly GenX Skype call. Mostly we bitched again about boomers spreading aids everywhere just as we were flowering. Anyway, I mentioned this post, they told me to tell you that we DGAF what GenZ thinks, so long as you pay your rent.
I was on that call too, can confirm.