Pretty much sums up my opinion.
Pretty much sums up my opinion.
The standards for eggs are really strict in Japan, eggs are so safe already that eating raw eggs is a commonly accepted practice.
10kV static discharge and 5kA @ 1mV would like a word.
Assuming you are on a phone, viewing desktop version bypasses the app nag.
A quick Google search tells me that the term is outdated and no longer used, having been refuted by modern genetics research.
I blame Dan Povenmire for manifesting this into existence.
Plane on a treadmill is really interesting because if you understand how planes work its so obvious what will happen you don’t need to test it. Planes move on the ground by running their engines, which push against the air, the wheels provide zero motive force. It’s also why planes need tugs to move away from the gate, you can’t run the engines in reverse. Planes are not cars, but people tend to assume the thing they don’t understand works like the thing they do understand, and refuse to believe their hasty assumption is wrong even when told directly their hasty assumption is wrong.
It is, can tell just by looking at it it’s a Rubik’s brand.
Somehow people always forget that Ubisoft published Trackmania (2020). (Limited) F2p, one time purchase for Standard access, yearly sub for club access, which is isn’t even worth it if your not a dedicated player.
Yeah that’s just MDMA.
If not friend why friend shaped?
Thus the kingkiller chronicle was born.
If you were wondering, it got named “double u” when u and v were the same letter, V was used at the beginning of words and u ain the middle/end. It wasn’t till much later they were seperated into 2 glyphs for different sounds.
Obligatory “Latine” is the preferred gender neutral term for spanish speakers because it actually follows the gendering rules of the language, rather than english speakers making shit up.
Anyway I’ll probably hack together an implementation to see if it actually works like I think it does