There is already one Assault Rifle locked behind the premium battlepass that they are advertising.
Ah fuck of course they went the COD way
Foreshadowing? What have you done you’ve cursed it
It has Ubisoft’s name on it, its fate was predetermined.
But is it any good?
I’ve heard it’s good much better than cod
I assume this is a joke? Otherwise what is the game called so I can look?
It’s called xdefiant
Which game are we talking about here?
Is that even a high bar?
Nahh not really
It is not
So we’re talking as good as herring? Maybe even salmon? 😛
Sorry, as a Scandinavian, I was legally obliged to…
lol the class you unlock with 700000 exp, which takes a long time to get as f2p player, is OP and can be unlocled with real money
It’s a trap. Just wait for it.
They will release OP squads that will either require grinding or pay. DedSec is kind of trash tier because it is a test
Edit: apparently there is already exclusive weapons in paid battlepass
Somehow people always forget that Ubisoft published Trackmania (2020). (Limited) F2p, one time purchase for Standard access, yearly sub for club access, which is isn’t even worth it if your not a dedicated player.
Every now and then the big companies get confused and do something good.
Can anyone here name many P2W games? The closest I can think of is hero-based games like R6Siege, where it’s relatively cheap to get the new, generally-balanced characters, but most monetization is in skins.
Literally any mobile game. Outside of that, you have your eastern gring MMOs like Black desert or Lost Ark, Fifa with it’s ultimate team, and the general pay for skipping the western market has fallen into like you have on the newer Assassin’s Creed games.
Pretty much the entire 4X mobile market, sadly.