We kind of have. Human penises are waaaay bigger than those of other primate species, and many other mammals (relative to overall body size).
My comment isn’t anti-corporate or anti-work though…? It just isn’t that strange that Google is more efficient at generating revenue (as dollars-per-kWh) than Finland is.
If your efficiency function is centered around revenue, then yeah, of course… No surprise that one of the world’s most successful for-profit companies generates more profit per watt-hour than a nation, which encompasses all sorts of non-revenue-generating activity like running hospitals and keeping street lights on.
Oh well as long as it’s their legitimate interest, then by all means!
It’s Vitamin D. There was this whole thing during the COVID pandemic about how the FDA/CDC were SUSPICIOUSLY QUIET about how impactful Vitamin D levels were on COVID outcomes or something and how that’s how you know that… something something sinister ulterior motives.
So like the idea was that everybody going outside and getting some sun was actually the best thing for public health, but THEY were telling you to languish inside under lockdowns, because clearly they didn’t want you to be healthy.