Definitely not very big, but tiny is an overstatement., I would consider them small.
But yeah, to me, this seems more like a violent disagreement than anything on the level of the UHC shooting
Definitely not very big, but tiny is an overstatement., I would consider them small.
But yeah, to me, this seems more like a violent disagreement than anything on the level of the UHC shooting
Must be a subset then. Any special symptoms why you prefer subtitles?
Usually, for me Subtitles detract from my watching experience as I focus on reading them rather than watching the movie.
That is and was the entire point of the nuclear armsrace back then, sometimes called the MAD (mutually assured destruction) doctrine.
Basically, you stock up enough to guarantee you can destroy the world and now no one can use it, without being, well, MAD.
But Putin might be mad enough to ignore that
There is script extender as well now. Crazy shit
Idk if you’ve seen one of these dubs/voice overs, but usually the underlying is so quite, it is closer to being muted than actually understandable
I feel like that’s higher than the actual livable and free lifetimes the average person has.
The entire situation is fubar. I feel for the citizens of both Israel and Palestine as both countries are just horrible to each other. To me it feels like there is no good side, whatever you choose, you end up with one form of evil x.x
I wish there would be a good way to solve this but I am not sure that this will be fixed any time soon. Hopefully the bloodshed will be minimal, because hoping for none at all would be futile
It’s probably due to the saturation of how many male drivers Lyft has. It reports that only 23% are female. While it doesn’t say how many non-binary drivers there are, I doubt they make up more than a few percent. That puts men at ~75% driver share. So the chance of a a female rider, which according to Lyft are about half of their riders, being paired with is vastly smaller than a male rider getting a man.
0.5*0.75=0.375 chance for a man to get a male driver.
0.5*0.23=0.115 chance for a women to get a female driver.
While yes, you can abuse the system, you have to make a more conscious effort about being a “slimeball”. This isn’t necessarily a feature to prevent SH and SA, but more to make drivers and riders more comfortable.
Oh, and about the amount of code: it would be less code, as you do not need to filter and can just start a match-search.
Scammers evolve to find new prey. While the phone scams and the different types of phishing might still work, I am quite that’s not where most of the money is now.
We’ve seen kickstarter, bitcoin, mlm scams and what not. There’s enough out there that have not been properly identified, too.
Partner and I played Mario Kart 8, was quite fun!