Some friends wanted to start a campaign and I’m trying to digitize my character sheet. Initially I was going to use d&dbeyond so I could send my DM the character sheet digitally and make it easier for them, but I can’t pick Drow without paying for the character, for whatever silly reason. I’ve been checking out all the apps I can find on the play store and I can’t find any with Drow.
Are their any apps that give you all the character options? I’m using Android but I don’t mind switching over to my laptop (Windows/Linux). I had originally wanted an offline app but opted for online to help the DM, but since that won’t be possible anymore I could care less. Still, online apps are fine as I can just block their access to the internet or suffer the occasional ad if I really must.
If you want to stick with DnD beyond, there’s an option to homebrew races and you can “homebrew” a 5e drow for personal use. Just copy the template for a similar race and you can adjust features. I will warn you though, the UI is pretty unintuitive so it might take some work
I read about that somewhere, I’ll check it out, thanks! Can I access the homebrew character on PC as well?
Yeah once you get it set up it works everywhere you use Beyond. However, I think you need to use the webpage to design the homebrew
That makes sense, I couldn’t find it in the app when I first read about it, thanks again!
Word of warning that homebrew requires (or at least, used to require. Not sure if it still does) a paid membership to share.
Usimg someone elses homebrew does. Making your own does not.
You can export to pdf. Won’t be live, but it’s better than nothing!
We’ve used in the past. It works in browser, I don’t know if they have an app.
I did see an app called Roll20, didn’t have what I needed, but I’ll check out the site, thanks!
Definitely recommend roll20. Our group moved there during the lockdowns and we finished one campaign and began another. We played Pathfinder.
There is stuff you can purchase but it’s mostly cosmetics like tokens or dynamic lighting.
I’ve been using the More Purple More Better (MPMB) character sheet in combination with Adobe Reader on my Windows pc. It isn’t exactly an application replacing your char sheet, but an interactive PDF file reliant on JavaScript. It has a common recognizable layout, and is filled to the brim with macros and generation tools - you’ll be able to whip up a char sheet in no time once you get the hang of it.
Out of the box it only has PHB content, but you can add additional scripts containing every bit of official content for 5e. It isn’t very hard to find, either, /r/MPMB for example.
Thanks for this! Our DM might want us to print everything out as some of the players might be distracted by their phones lol. If it works well with Adobe I’m guessing it will be easy to print.
Not sure if Fight Club is on Android, but that used to be my go-to app before Beyond. There’s also programs like Foundry, if you don’t mind the initial license purchase. You may be able to pirate Foundry, but it’s honestly pretty cheap to begin with.
I mention Foundry because if you have any friends who could share D&D Beyond content with you, then you can use an extension to scrape the shared modules and dump them directly into your Foundry campaign. Or as a last ditch effort, you could just recreate them from scratch, since Foundry is primarily focused on homebrew and custom content anyways. Just add it as custom content and you’re all set. It’ll take a while to properly code, but the basics will go quick enough.
Couldn’t find Fight Club on android, so probably just iOS. I’ll check out Foundry, it’s awesome just how many tools have been created for d&d, but I suppose expected with such a strong fanbase. Wish I got into this back in HS.