Almost 30 more minutes of dishwasher.
Speaking of Technology Connections; if anyone missed the recent Popular Science video on the RCA SelectaVision, Alec pops up to give a quick primer on the tech.
what the fuck i don’t even own a dishwasher, why did i watch all of this
Dude, life is too short to wash spoons with your hands
Awesome, I was looking for something to wind down with after today’s shitty ass day at work.
I’ve never had a job where we celebrate Shitty Ass Day. What’s that like?
I hate this guy with a passion. He is not intelligent, but hell he sure likes to speak down to you like his shit doesn’t stink.
Speaking of dishwashers, this is the last thing you should be listening about from him, given the shitshow of a video he made which even had Bosch and other manufacturers contact him and tell him how incorrect he was.