Pardon the UHC guy.
I’m sure that’s a state charge, not federal.
Is it an official act? Then it’s legal
Biden has to do it. All he needs to do is imagine how he would feel a year from now if he didn’t.
“Chump block” hooks friends up
This seems like a terrible precedent to set when a criminal has been elected. If old age doesnt get Trump during this term I can already hear him say, 'But sleepy Joe did it!", as he pardons all his buddies
Why would he suddenly start needing some kind of precedent to do whatever he wants?
He doesn’t, that’s true. He will do the same regardless, but this is more ammunition for the media to normalize this behavior.
I want our government representatives to be held to a higher standard. These people work for us, and if they are breaking the law send them to court AND sentence them like anyone else. There should be no get out of jail free cards for people in your circle.
it’s not already normalized? lol, i beg to differ
I just looked at the list of Trump’s previous pardons on Wikipedia. I’m on board for whatever now. Pardoning as a practice is fucked up, but yeah I guess we are just embracing corruption, so let’s go!
It was already embraced. “We” didn’t embrace shit. Trying to take the high road when dealing with literally any politician will leave you on the wrong side of a decision.
Trump will do it regardless of normalization.
That ship has already sailed - norms don’t mean shit to Trump.
Trump is known for breaking precedent. It’s what makes his supporters cheer. He doesn’t need it.
Trump pardoned all his buddies at the end of his last term. Biden’s not breaking any precedence.
He’s gonna do that shit anyway. The rule of law is dead.
Thank you for finally summing up my frustration with folks that ain’t freaking out. They somehow think the laws will still mean something when the opposite is what they voted for
Dude, Biden could have literally had Trump assassinated and it would have been up to congress to decide whether or not it was a crime or an official presidential act. Trump’s lawyers successfully argued that very thing in front of the Supreme Court.
This is a slap on the wrist in comparison.
Personally, I agree. But we do need to be limiting the damage trump can do. I think Biden should go the other way, do a few things that are so illegal that the SCOTUS has to start limiting the president’s powers.
Perhaps a domestic drone strike or two.