Recently, my life feels like a blur, like I dont really remember what happened even in the past 2 weeks, and this has cause me some anxiety.

I just want to know if this is what everyone’s memory is like.

How much of your life do you remember, like do you only remember major events in your life, or do you remember like what you have been doing for the past 2 weeks.

What I mean is like, if someone asked you “So, what have you been last week”

You can come up with an answer like:

“So I watched [X] movie on Netflix on Monday, went to a nearby park on Tuesday, ate at [X] restaurant on Wednesday, found a new interesting Youtube Channel to watch on Thursday, petted a friendly neighborhood cat on Friday…” etc…

And like you can still remember what happened that week the following Monday.

Like obviously most people wouldn’t remember what they ate every meal, but like just one major event that happened each day.

I feel like I don’t remember shit. Not a single event.

    4 months ago

    Its a mixed bag.

    I don’t remember a lot of specifics from my childhood, but I also wouldn’t say I don’t remember my childhood. I don’t remember the names of all my elementary schools, or exactly where they were, but I can remember most of my friends and what we did together. Like at my first elementary school I can remember that I basically just did normal kid stuff. I know at my second elementary school I got into videogames, because a lot of my friends from that school had gamecubes. But I can only remember a few actual individual times we were playing gamecube, even though we played together several times a week for literally years. I know mario sunshine was my jam but can’t remember any specific days I played it on. I know when I was homeschooled I spent more time on neopets than doing actual school (thanks mom), but I have literally no individual memories of playing neopets.

    So like… I do know my own history well enough, but just not specific days unless it was something really noteworthy. I have no idea if thats “normal” or not.

    I can remember medical facts really well. I want to get into the medical field in some capacity, because for whatever reason that shits sticks in my head. Special interest I guess? Idk.