Ads have started to straight up break the internet for me. I can go to websites and they’ll complain about my ad blocker, and the only help I get is “disable your extensions.” I don’t even have any extensions! No ad block! But sites still curl up and die on me.
Is it because my browser is hardened? Is it Linux? Do I have to fork over private data to use a site and if I don’t they pretend the issue is ad blockers?
Well, Google sure is trying to take us in the direction of “you have to log in to Chrome to use the internet”.
Well let’s see how that goes when chrome is no longer google
Google is just going to stall and delay until Trump’s goons come in. Then, suddenly, the DOJ will have a change of heart.
You’re right .i forgot about the trumpet
Subscribe to Nebula instead.
Supporting the creators, yeah, because thats what Google built their empire on top of.
Caring about people.
Most creaters (even smaller ones) doesn’t care about revunue (YT creaters get paid if they’re in YPP) loss from adblockers and lm pretty sure YouTubers also use adblock instead of paying Premium
If only we could directly support the people we wanted to… Oh wait.
Well you can actually. For example there is channel memberships.
Prefer Patreon or other means. YT takes 30% of that money, and including bs like processing fees that’s more like 36%. Patreon’s share is 12%.
And Ko-Fi takes between 0-5%.
Damn, I thought patron was around 7%
Actually the premium user is worth more to creators because a premium user gives them a bigger slice than ad users.
YouTube is a monopoly. The reason no one really uses multiple platforms to upload videos at the same level as YouTube is because it was run for a long time at a loss to push out all competition. I have no simpthy.
I didn’t use adblockers when they had occasional normal ad breaks. Now when I have to watch on a TV app its just a garbage experience.
Yep I know but our main entertainment device is an Apple TV.
deleted by creator
Ngl, I run Firefox and the usual suite of adblockers and haven’t experienced any issues. I do the same on my phone (Firefox in “desktop mode”).
I"m just going to watch youtube less.
I subscribed to Nebula instead
Why paying for no longer having an ad free experience, if you can have a really ad free YouTube for free?
I will not use youtube and use ads. The sooner they break my adblocker, the sooner i won’t be on their platform
I really don’t think they understand this… If an ad starts playing on YouTube I just turn it off and see why my ad blocker isn’t working. If it doesn’t work I simply don’t watch the video. I had no desire to switch to Firefox because Chrome was just working for me, but then it didn’t work. There’s no way in hell I’m sitting here with my adhd addled brain, with my 4 year old phone in my hands watching for 30 seconds why I need a brand new acura.
The only time I’ve ever willingly watched an ad was tiktok. Because they know I can simply swipe and skip it, but sometimes the sponsored content is creative and entertaining.
They do understand it. They just believe the number of people who will do it are small enough to be worth it.
You’re part of less than 10% of the people watching YouTube, and you’re in a 10% they won’t care about because you aren’t making them money anyhow.
google just made it so ad blockers using their engine will not work the same… probably why it was working fine then it didn’t
Google can suck the shit directly from my asshole Human Centipede style if they think I’m ever going to pay them for.not using their monopoly to harass me. When I can no longer feasibly block ads on YouTube, I’ll just move to another platform. Thank goodness they’re about to lose Chrome because otherwise they’d soon be injecting ads directly through the browser just like they do in their shitty news app.
i genuinely dont see why would anyone use the official youtube app/website to watch content at this point
Google’s, not Youtube’s.