Damn that’s crazy
Every experiment needs a control.
The phrase “Haha So True!” (referred to as ‘HST’ henceforth to save space and out of respect for the readers’ precious time who would rather engage in intellectual conversations elsewhere than keep repeating “Haha So True!” over and over again
TRUE, hahah!
Good table
I’m not reading all that but congratulations or my sympathies to you.
Haha so true!
LOL! Just snorted cocaine.
Haha so true!
Journal of Astrological Big Data Ecology. Fantastic.
Haha, so true!
Haha, SO TRUE!
(I’ll see myself out)
Honestly, just engaging a bit would help a ton. Some people aren’t good conversationalist so they use memes to try and bond.
I see Appu has found his true calling
If you didn’t call that out I wouldn’t have noticed, nor seen the other details
If is was a real paper then I will read it
Alternatively, here’s a somewhat similar one: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378216616302594
Haha SO true!
Don’t reinforce the truthness, that’s dangerous!
That paper wasn’t representative enough for use on the real world. Always go with one of the fun-based alternatives, not HST.