Haha SO true!
Looking closer on the X, Y, Z and E ports i observe that the ports are labeled different on the two cards.
Old SKR v1.4: Square pin = 1B, next pin = 1A, next = 2A, and last is 2B. Also the order is EN | STOP | DIR
New SKR MINI: Square pin = 2B, next pin = 1B, next = 1A, and last is 2A. The order looks like EN | STOP | DIR
Should i rearrange the wires in the JST so that the wire that on the old card was connected to 1B, also is connected to 1B on the new card, and so on?
The EN | STOP | DIR part is in the same direction in the pinouts, even the whole connector is upside-down on the SKR MINI. Why is this? Is this just labeling the round pins?
Arrghh, I have so many noob questions…
Haha, slowly it goes… Changing the SKR v1.4 to a SKR MINI V3 isn’t straight forward on the Biqu B1.
Nahh, just take parts out and lay every part side by side, and just put them back in reverse order… And, take some pictures underway of where all the connectors are connected. You can do this. Hell. i don’t know what I’m doing and I’m gonna at least try…
Just need to verify which board needs to be replaced…
That sucks. I have no clue about 3D printers and did no research before buying this one used. Worked OK for about 6 days… Well 80 bucks…
I’m a totally noob in the 3D printing scene. My brother has a Biqu B1 and I’ve printed some small things on his printer. Found a used Biqu B1 for sale for about $80. Yeah, not good research from my side… But, I’ve printed a well printed fucktopus before it died…
When starting the preheat both the bed and the nozzle temperature starts at about 25c. There is no heating at all. The printer takes about 10-15 sec to conclude with the error message.
It’s just USB-C cable up to the hotend. Not sure how to check the mosfet…
Thanks for answering. I’ve been looking at Bigtreetech’s GitHub and under Firmware the readme.md states that the newest firmware is “Marlin 2.0.6 (Jan 25 2021 13:43:58)”, this is older than my 2.1.1. The folder structure under are made with dates as folder names. There is a folder newer than the newest firmware stated in the readme.md. But there is no version number, just firmware.bin in folders named SKR 2-F407, SKR 2-F429 and SKR V1.4. I don’t even know what motherboard i have… On https://marlinfw.org/ they say that the current release is Pretty close to mine, but I’m missing the last digit. So I assume the firmware on my printer is self compiled. I’ve watched some videos on how to compile my self, but I’m afraid that with my noob-knowledge i could brick the printer.
Had a 1998 Citroen Electrique once. Not much fancy electronics there…
This now just works as a massive antenna…
Yes. Yes it is…