For those curious, this is a fireproofing wrap intended to help save the structure in the event of a forest fire.
It also looks dope af and would be perfect in a student art house film. I wonder how much it effects the thermals inside?
The quality is so bad, it took me a couple of minutes to see the tinfoil
Oh that’s what it is? I thought it was a cabin made of ice.
I was having a similar amount of trouble trying to figure it out.
I have metal siding on my house as well as a metal roof that we just put on a few years ago. Let’s turn my whole house into a goddamn farraday cage. Now we get a terrible cell signal here and if you step outside my house, my Wi-Fi broadcast only a very short distance away from the building itself, unlike my last home where the same router broadcasted for 100 ft or more beyond the home. Oh well, maybe I’ll be somewhat shielded when the EMP comes
This now just works as a massive antenna…
Turning yout far away cage into a faraday cage
If them gov’ment boys show up with their giant microwave…GOOD GOLLY.
Finally a way to stop the 5G liberal vaccine
Barren trees to prevent the “birds” from spying?
This would really boost the wi-fi…