Ok I’m poor and do everything I can. Stop lumping us all in. Billionaires are three ones fucking up the world. All my lifetime of conservation is undone in a day by a billionaire. I refuse to take equal blame
Billionaires are a cancer. If we don’t remove them soon they’ll kill us all.
Billionaires are three ones
Pretty much, give or take a handful. It’s OK, the invisible hand of the free market will surely… trails off
I just bought a car that consumes a lot more fuel than my previous one, but I won’t have kids, so not even cycling vegans can compete with my carbon footprint reduction, only the childless ones.
We could have been so much better.
Billionaires: What do you mean? We are doing great 🥂
Maybe the reason we haven’t found extraterrestrial life is because they, too, as a civilization have failed to stop itself from self-destruction.
Perhaps this is the bitter and paradoxical nature of life. The struggle to exist but is doomed to go extinct.
It’s … it’s not like that at all.
It’s a seemingly complicated Rube Goldberg machine with an enormous amount of other species extinctions before our own.
It’s inefficient is that it is.
We need something more direct like the pictured solution. Other species deserve us getting efficient like that.I actually want the life to extinct to end this senseless suffering
Yeah but to be accurate you should include a baby version of the cat and have the gun barrels aimed at him instead.
they are not natural, Democrats are causing them with their tornado machines and hell portals
Have you done any research or are you just repeating doomsday propaganda like a parrot? By the way, there are quite a few well-known scientists who claim that we are heading towards an ice age, and they have nothing to do with leftists or right-wingers. If you want, I can look for links, but I don’t believe you’re actually interested; you have your own views.
Anthropogenic global warming is not a “debate.” It is a scientific consensus among a significant majority of the world’s scientists across a full spectrum of disciplines, whereas the counter opinion remains a minority pushed almost exclusively by monied interests.
Have you done any “research?” Are you a qualified expert in any relevant field? I predict that you are not.
No, I’m not an expert in climate change, which is why I don’t talk about it and don’t push anyone’s agenda. Maybe other non-experts should do the same. But it doesn’t matter.
I have advanced degrees in climatology and geographic modeling, so I feel like I’m allowed to say that yes, anthropogenic climate change is a well-researched and understood process AND that you don’t know shit about what expertise other people in this thread have.
Just because your opinion is uneducated doesn’t mean mine is.
Of course you are allowed and I’m ready to listen