I’d posit the algorithm has turned it into a monster.
Attention should be dictated more by chronological order and what others retweet, not what some black box thinks will keep you glued to the screen, and it felt like more of the former in the old days. This is a subtle, but also very significant change.
These kind of articles always remind me whenever a new MMORPG launched, and then people claimed it would be the World of Warcraft killer.
On the other hand, the track record of old social networks is not great.
And it’s reasonable to posit Twitter is deep into the enshitifiication cycle.
Depends what “side” you’re on and what content you choose to engage with I guess.
Because features wise it’s better than ever I’d say, I’m not even sure what stuff they added or removed that would’ve made the platform worse.
I’d posit the algorithm has turned it into a monster.
Attention should be dictated more by chronological order and what others retweet, not what some black box thinks will keep you glued to the screen, and it felt like more of the former in the old days. This is a subtle, but also very significant change.
Is WoW still that popular though?..
Most definitely.
It’s seen better days and current expansion is kinda meh, but it’s still leading the amount of active players by a lot over all other MMO games.
Lol if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard about the next CoD killer
In truth, every subsequent mimic platform is smaller and more diluted.
I mean, plenty of other games have had way more concurrent players.
Maybe, but they’re not MMO games.