As a gentleman, I’d offer to hold the steering wheel so she has an easier time aiming her lance at oncoming traffic.
She’s in the passenger seat, you can see the car in the background is also right hand drive
Then I would definitely hold the steering wheel.
Oh, that makes it easier!
Let’s be honest: she’s probably not a very good driver. They didn’t even have cars back then, this must be a lot to process for her.
Take her to a knightclub
Hey Google, how do I award a comment Lemmy gold?
The image hoster (freakin’ Fandom) seems to be blocking cross-origin requests.
Reupload to
BTC: Hfv5337hdd-64drtGTmib85CT
(This is a joke, that’s not a real Bitcoin wallet. DM me for the real one)
If it’s not a real address, why is it letting me send all of these bitcoins to it?
Just admit it. You look pretty silly right about now.
Become the damsel in distress naturally (I’m a 6’2 bearded man)
Wouldn’t it be nice to be the little spoon once in a while?
Here, here!
I thought that was only when they fart… Or is that just another thing I shouldn’t have said out loud
The bachelor in distress then
I’m a 5’6 beardless man, we could make this a leaning Tower of Pisa
Help her save France from the English.
What makes you think I’m not already similarly equipped?
(Any good excuse to trot out this heavy bastard, which I don’t have occasion to do often enough anymore. It could really use a polish. There’s a project for the weekend…)
Nice mail!
I have a set of matching super historically authentic pants in the same pattern and material (with suspenders!) as well. I might even still fit in them, but I haven’t tried in a while.
Love it 😀
Not another one knight stand!
what i’m told
“I’m glad you brought protection”
It greaves me to say it, but I’d pull her into a warm vambrace and try to tap that cuirass.
I love this.
Now get out.
I’m a locksmith and I’m a locksmith.
You’ve got mail!
FE-mail. (Because Fe is the chemical symbol for iron.)
Looks like I’m in for a good knight!
We take Jerusalem!
Marry her.
I sense one or two potential red flags.
Yep, she’s a keeper.