Summary: Donald Trump claims he never wanted to end the Affordable Care Act, but his previous statements and actions suggest otherwise. Despite his promises to replace the law with a better option, Trump’s Republican proposals would have weakened or eliminated its coverage rules and reduced government spending. Republicans may pursue a more piecemeal approach to weakening the law, but it could still alarm a majority of Americans.
she’s a former prosecutor. Of course she’s going to bring the receipts.
What a dumb McCheato.
Mc "Cheat"o
Sweet potato Hitler
So like, I get all his propaganda steps to attempt to do what Hitler did, by like being late on purpose and shit…
But can we all take a moment and look beyond the horror of this dude and relish in the moment that Trump is like a cheap Wish or Temu bought Hitler? Like not even Wal-Mart quality? Like a “We have Hitler at home” and Trump is the Hitler? Like there are people who spent their entire lives bullying other people for stupid shit like this, then they get this guy as their leader and don’t tear him apart?
How is he brighter orange than his reflective safety vest?
The last few photos I’ve seen of him look so ridiculous with that heavy bronze spray tan only on his face. Like they’re not even doing the temples and neck. He’s nearly doing blackface at this point.
That’s his final form
Like the angry matrons in cookie clicker 🍪
Pumpkin spice spray on tan
Fucking hell. Him trying to repeal Obamacare was SUCH a big thing. It was pretty much all my tried to do for a full year. The blatant lying and reality denying…
Every denial is a confession.
Nah he’s just jealous that she has full permission from the Village People to use the YMCA song.
Is he mad that she has better memory than him? Like, my man, did you forget?
How dare she say he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act! He only has concepts of a repeal!
Maybe he’ll have an aneurysm.
Imagine a kid on a street corner trying to get your attention to sell a newspaper with this headline.
Concepts of a president