Gee, it’s almost like offering absolute shit service, making everything an additional fee, constantly canceling flights, and never being on-time is a poor business model. Who knew?
Gee, it’s almost like offering absolute shit service, making everything an additional fee, constantly canceling flights, and never being on-time is a poor business model. Who knew?
How I imagine Elon’s taking the news:
Part of it is that there’s less hidden costs. I like it when it’s just “the total is $30” instead of “there’s $8 shipping and a $2 service fee and then $4 in taxes and…”
I’ve also seen some online stores lure in a customer with a really cheap initial price and then on the last page just slam them with insane shipping and handling fees hoping that the customer either doesn’t notice or feels too invested at this point to cancel their purchase.
But yes, part of it is also people are stupid when they see the word “free” as if the store wouldn’t move the cost somewhere else.
We know. They didn’t work during his first term. They won’t work now.
Agree. I hate this “further processed” crap. Processed how? At least show the unedited source image too.
I dug down to get the audio. The girl is saying, “Bentley” in a seductive voice then tapping or rubbing various parts of the car. Donald says, “Citroën” in duck-speak and then does Donald Duck noises at times.
This is sadly the best photo I’ve seen of him.
Most certainly! They surely won’t completely dismantle the FDA and then allow big-pharma to dictate everything. /s
Dude, what are you even talking about?
I said it was good they banned the ineffective ingredient so now they should do something about banning homeopathy. You said, “Ummm they did? That is what this banned, an advertised effective treatment that does nothing” but they did NOT ban homeopathy, just that one specific ingredient which had nothing to do with homeopathy. Now you’re talking as if the first comment you said was something completely different.
So please, tell me what argument you’re actually trying to make.
I’ve gotten into the habit of checking active ingredients after almost accidentally buying something homeopathic that was immediately adjacent the thing I actually meant to grab.
Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article.
Seriously dude, you just had to read the first sentence. They only banned one particular ingredient.
Guys… I decided to watch Borderlands just to see how bad it was. It’s so very very bad.
Five minutes in it was already a train wreck. Virtually EVERY role was miscast (or if I’ve been very generous, given bad direction). Most of the acting was so bad I thought Kevin Hart did a GREAT JOB! Half the soundtrack felt like it was pulled from Tony Hawk Pro Skater.
They re-wrote so much of the story and so many of the characters it was like why even bother getting the IP in the first place?
And the BIG TWIST was that Lilith was a Siren. You know, something that is absolutely no secret to anyone who’s ever played ANY of the Borderlands games.
I’m just so absolutely dumbfounded how they could think that any of this was good. But sure, blame it on the “cult game” that’s sold over 77 million copies and had TWO successful game releases after you announced your movie.
Good. Now do something about homeopathy. I’m so sick of having to explain to people that homeopathy is not medicine in any shape or form. It’s not even a home remedy. And it sits right next to actual medicine so people might accidentally buy it unwittingly.
What a BS excuse. That’s like saying the Dragon Ball movie did bad because it’s a cult show that failed to find a broader audience.
Adding it to my watch list. 👍
Fage is definitely my favorite yogurt. I’m always like “how the fuck is this so God damn good? It has virtually no sugar or anything added”
Also in case you didnt know, for many reduced fat items they just end up adding more sugar.
Stop Tucker, I was already voting for Kamala.
“If buying isn’t owning, pirating isn’t stealing.”
I heard this before and it is becoming more true each day.
I worked at Amazon and the head of Ring said their best customers were people who bought a subscription and then put the camera in a drawer and forgot about it. They don’t even want to provide you a service. They want you to absentmindedly give them money every month because you forgot to cancel.
Oooh… that’s what Spirit forgot to do. Beat up their passengers. They were offering an incomplete experience.