I’m not the biggest fan of his music, but he is one smart guy.
I’m not the biggest fan of his music, but he is one smart guy.
Are you shocked?
We are absolutely all at risk here
I’m not certain they will ever ask questions
What the fuck is up with his Mr Burns finger thing
From the USA. Hoping Canada stays strong and resists this unflushable turd
It’s gambling
Back of that dudes throat is so bruised
Man, this would be really damning if the rules mattered anymore
I swear not everyone from Michigan is a radical fucking moron. There are a lot though.
Symptom of fascism
Well immediately cutting 2 million jobs and countless others that rely on federal grants will do that. Not to mention the large amount of vulnerable Americans that will be harmed by the lack of social programs
Yeah but what corporation is going to think of the obvious solution?
Regardless of rainbow capitalism, I’m excited for this June just to see maga heads explode because of a rainbow.
Not what I said at all
There is plenty worse than dying
I’m sure there’s a USA news community
Obligatory fuck Reagan
Wave incoming