Steve Bannon emerged Tuesday from four months in federal prison. He was tanned, supposedly “empowered,” and obviously eager to again help Donald Trump lie about election results if he loses.
But he presented himself on his War Room show and in a press conference Tuesday as a freedom fighter.
“If you’re not prepared to be thrown in prison by this weaponized justice system, then you’re not prepared to stand up and fight for your country,” Bannon said after serving his sentence at a low-security prison in Connecticut.
Just another MAGA incitement to insurrection. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Go back to jail, grandpa. No one cares about you.
Says the criminal desperately and vigorously sucking Trump’s cock hoping for a pardon
Dude’s been dipping into Trump’s bronzer from the looks of that photo.
This twat thinks he’s the Che Guerva of the Right now, jfc
Since he doesn’t seem the least bit remorseful, why don’t we do what Republicans love to do and execute him?
Slap him in cuffs.
I don’t think he needs to be urged.
Too bad felons can’t vote /s