I have 4
- Sleepy tea
- coconut milk
- water
- just cracked open a Coca-Cola
This is VERY normal for me, if anything it is restraint lol
None. I go to the kitchen to drink water when I need it. In the mornings, I may have a cup of coffee, which is the only drink I would bring to my desk.
This is so foreign to me aha. Different strokes for different folks
The bathroom is right next to me, and there is tap water.
And yes that is normal when I am in my bed.
I have coffee, raspberry seltzer, and tap water. This is very normal for me, though my husband thinks it’s funny to see how many different types of beverage I’ll accept without realizing, so sometimes it’ll get up to like 6 drinks.
I take medication that causes dry mouth, for context.
Always have water, often have a second beverage with caffeine
Unless I’m drinking alcohol, it’s all water all the time. I have a half gallon thermal mug that I keep filled with ice water. I’ll go through 2-5 a day depending on the heat.
Empty tea. Almost empty wine.
2 tea, one mostly empty. 1 coffee (old), 2 waters
Totally normal
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I’m the exact opposite. I cant leave an open can or glass of drink exposed to the elements for fear of something getting into it so I will chug it if its been there for too long before I get another one
Only the coke is open but its supervised so pretty safe
Just a glass of flavored water I’m going to leave undrunk because a bunch of ladybugs decided to cannonball into it. They seem to be enjoying themselves and I don’t really need the water so I’ll leave it alone.
Mostly just water, but defintely happy to have multiple drinks at the same time. Particularly breakfast, I can have coffee, juice, water and a Bloody Mary. But in general I want hot drinks hot, and fizzy drinks fizzy. So if I have a lot of drinks on the go I’ll have to drink them quickly.
I always have water near me, and then I drink soda or or whatever. So never more than 2
- water
- ice cold whole milk
- a bottle (and tumbler) of bourbon
2, an empty can of monster (just finished it) and a water bottle. Pretty standard for a night shift.